Monthly Archives: August 2007

Haveil Havalim is up

The latest edition of Haveil Havalim is up. Say, that sounds like something I just wrote. Like, in the title to this post. Well, it’s at Soccer Dad’s, who could also be known as Carnival Dad.

Posted in Jews, Linkfests | Comments Off on Haveil Havalim is up

A man, a pistol, a Guardian headline, nitpicking

I have copied this from the on-line edition of The Guardian of August 11: Of course, anyone familiar with this blog will know that I do, how to say it gently, criticize The Guardian from time to time for its … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | 1 Comment

Sexist beefcake picture of the week

I just felt like putting this picture up. I’m thinking he was aptly named. Yep. That’s an Apollo, all right. Sorry, ladies, he’s took. But that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy.

Posted in Girl Talk | 9 Comments

More on my spam

So, do the guys who want me to forward them the Jessica Alba bra-less emails also want me to forward them the Barbra Streisand bra-less emails? Just askin’.

Posted in Evil Meryl | 7 Comments

Islam and the Temple Mount

This is why there will never be a full peace with the Palestinians. Israel suggests joint control over the Temple Mount complex. The Palestinians then use that to foment more attacks. The head of the Islamic Movement’s northern branch, Sheikh … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, palestinian politics, Religion | 8 Comments

The Fatah false peace

Every day, the IDF and civilians are attacked by Palestinians in the West Bank. Every day. IDF troops which operated in the outskirts of Nablus identified and shot an armed Palestinian, Israel Radio reported on Saturday. An explosive device was … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | Comments Off on The Fatah false peace

The myth that the Germans didn’t know

A book review in the Jerusalem Post contains this little bit of horror from the death camps: In the early years of the war, the jaded German tourist could give himself an unusual treat: a visit to the graveyard of … Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust | 3 Comments

This one writes itself

I know, I’m going for the cheap insult, but I’m sorry, this one’s a bit too funny to pass up. Besides, Arkansas has been made fun of since Mark Twain was writing, at least. LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) – A … Continue reading

Posted in Humor | 3 Comments


Some days, it takes everything you have just to guard your box.

Posted in Cats | 2 Comments

Walt & Mearsheimer: The hardcover version

The Israel Lobby is so dangerous to America, the authors of the widely-discredited paper have turned it into a book. And they’re taking it on the road. Only the Israel Lobby is preventing them from speaking, because you simply can’t … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome, The Catmage Chronicles | 11 Comments

A positive outcome of the Hamas takeover

This one slipped through the nets, but it’s a great little piece of news. There’s a silver lining to the closure of Gaza: The terrorists are running out of supplies to manufacture their rockets and bombs. Shortages in fertilizers used … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Terrorism | 6 Comments

Now THAT was a thunderstorm

There’s been some major lightning and rain here for the past hour and a half. My power has flickered a bunch of times, but it always came back. Now it smells like vanilla here, because I lit a candle just … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 5 Comments

Updated comments policy

It was time to update the commenting policy to include a disclaimer. I do approve many comments that I don’t agree with, though usually none that break the No Israel-Bashing rule. And while I don’t approve of comments like this … Continue reading

Posted in Site news | 5 Comments


Finally figured out a good one. Keep an eye out for Tig on I Can Has Cheezburger, and go vote for him if he shows up.

Posted in Cats | 2 Comments

Hamas calls for Israel’s destruction—again

Hamas calls for Israel’s destruction again. Trust me when I tell you that this will not get major play in the same media that tells us that British MPs, members of the EU, and various other idiots think Israel should … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Television | 3 Comments