Monthly Archives: August 2007

Recipe for disaster

The Israeli government is looking to cut corners. Here’s a really bad piece of logic: The public transportation security unit, established during the second Intifada in order to prevent suicide terror attacks against Israeli buses, will be shut down due … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Thursday funny

If you’ve been following the Tay Zonday YouTube phenom, you’ll love this: Chad Vader covers Chocolate Rain. You know, it took me a while to figure out why the audience at Jimmy Kimmel Live were so dumbstruck by Tay. It … Continue reading

Posted in Humor, Pop Culture | 2 Comments

Hamas lies, exposed

It seems that the Hamas op-eds in the New York Tmes, the Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times were all, shall we say, a bit misleading? Rather than working for peace, Hamas keeps getting caught with its weapons up. … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | 5 Comments

The U.K. happiness quotient

So first I find a story in the Daily Mail that says the unemployment rate in Great Britain is actually six times higher than official government figures. Nearly ten million people in Britain are out of work – more than … Continue reading

Posted in Miscellaneous, World | 4 Comments


May I just say how very, very, very much I hate the Al Qaeda subhuman bastards who do things like this? BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) — The death toll in the suicide bombings Tuesday in northern Iraq has risen to at … Continue reading

Posted in Religion, Terrorism | Comments Off on Subhuman

Solving the marriage surname problem

Not that I ever intend to change my name at this point in my life, but this would be a great solution for me if it didn’t screw up the eponymous blog thing. Jersey writers Alice Kirby and Larry Charny … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism | 17 Comments

What’s behind the Hezbollah sign

The people who put up the Hezbollah sign in Windsor, Canada, say they achieved their purpose. The controversial billboard depicting Hezbollah’s leader has disappeared, but one of the men responsible for the sign says it’s not because they’re backing down … Continue reading

Posted in Lebanon, Media Bias, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Syria: Will they or won’t they?

Two conflicting articles from Ynet on whether or not Syria will go to war to get back the Golan Heights: Yes: “If military confrontations break out between Syria and Israel, that would be the fulfillment of the general’s plan,” a … Continue reading

Posted in Syria | 2 Comments

Ban Ki-Moon says he’ll do the impossible

At least when this guy talks, I don’t immediately think, “Liar.” Instead, I simply think, “Yeah, right.” Knesset Speaker Dalia Itzik met late Tuesday night with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon in New York City and the two discussed the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Comments Off on Ban Ki-Moon says he’ll do the impossible

The fake peace and media bias

The fake Fatah peace: A bomb exploded near IDF forces operating in Nablus overnight Monday, prompting the troops to fire in the direction of the attack. Nobody was wounded in the incident. Two Palestinians were arrested during the operation, and … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | Comments Off on The fake peace and media bias

Red on red, more terrorists dead

I like this news: Two Hamas security men were killed on Tuesday evening in heavy clashes with members of the Dogmush clan in Gaza. Palestinian sources reported 20 more men had been wounded in the exchanges of fire as Hamas … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, palestinian politics | 2 Comments

Holy cow! Rizzuto’s gone

Didn’t catch this until a little while ago. Phil Rizzuto, the ex-Yankee who broadcast the Yankees games during the time I was an absolutely fanatic Yankee fan, died Monday night. Phil Rizzuto, the sure-handed Hall of Fame Yankees shortstop nicknamed … Continue reading

Posted in Pop Culture | 4 Comments

What’s new

Say, you know how every so often I get tired of the same-old, same-old and want to change things around a bit? I’m tired of the same-old, same-old. I may start blogging about politics after all. Or my trip to … Continue reading

Posted in Life, Site news | 1 Comment

Human rights and British hypocrisy

Britain has been slowly but surely refusing to sell Israel weapons over the past few years, claiming that the weapons may be used in violating Palestinian human rights. The British government has blocked almost one third of British military exports … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time | 8 Comments

Shire Network News number 99

One shy of 100, our really big shew, coming up next. But this time, it’s Douglas Murray, the feature interview, and yes, I have a contribution this week. I’ll have one in number 100 too, and word is that Lair … Continue reading

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