Monthly Archives: August 2007

Looks like there IS coercion under Islam

There is no coercion under Islam—except when there is. Fatah officials in Ramallah claimed over the weekend that Professor Sana al-Sayegh, who teaches at Palestine University in Gaza City, was kidnapped by Hamas militiamen who forced her to convert to … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Religion | 3 Comments

Iran catches up to the Middle Ages

Iran is now arresting children for listening to “satanic” music. Way to join the 21st century, Mullacracy! Iran arrested more than 200 music fans at an underground rock concert that one official called a “satanic” gathering and authorities accused the … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Religion | 5 Comments

Can’t break the habit

I have an apparently unbreakable habit of returning things to the refrigerator as soon as I’ve finished using them. For instance, my breakfast is often a glass of milk and some toast. I keep the bread in the fridge to … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 10 Comments

Braggart in hiding gives another bragging speech

Hassan Nasrallah, safe in an undisclosed, secure location, the man who had to enter Syria via a tunnel for a Dictator’s Club conference, is bragging yet again about how he beat the pants off Israel in last year’s Lebanon war. … Continue reading

Posted in Syria | 1 Comment

Egyptians murder Sudanese refugees

The Egyptians murdered four Sudanese refugees within sight of the IDF, even pulling one out of an IDF soldier’s hands as that soldier tried to save the man’s life. Egyptian soldiers killed four Sudanese refugees near the Egypt-Israel border overnight … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time, World | 4 Comments

Guy Bechor: Syria will not attack

Ynet writer Guy Bechor says that Syria will not attack Israel, in spite of the actions—and messages—to the contrary seen lately. Hizbullah’s success in paralyzing the north of Israel for over a month last summer left Bashar Assad with his … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Syria | 1 Comment

Israelis launch “crude, homemade rockets” at Gaza

Israelis, fed up with the near-daily bombardment from Gaza, turned the tables on the Palestinians and sent their own missiles toward Gaza. Yes, really. But the missiles weren’t very dangerous. A number of Israelis from the Tel Aviv vicinity drove … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel | 11 Comments

This week’s SNN: Late, but there

This week’s Shire Network News, with the second part of Tom’s interview with Professor Deborah Lipstadt, a.k.a. the woman who totally pwned Holocaust denier David Irving, is up. And apparently there’s going to be a call-in conference on Saturday morning … Continue reading

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Chickens come home to roost

This is what you get for letting terrorism grow unchecked within your borders: Al Qaida-inspired militants battling the Lebanese army for more than 10 weeks hit a main power station in north Lebanon with Katyusha rockets on Thursday, disrupting electricity … Continue reading

Posted in Lebanon, Media Bias | Comments Off on Chickens come home to roost

Syria to Israel: Give us back the Golan or we’ll kill you

Yet another example of Arab diplomacy: In a secret message relayed to Jerusalem, Syria warned the Israeli government that should it continue to reject Damascus’ peace overtures, a war of attrition may break out in the Golan Heights, according to … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Syria | 7 Comments

Helping Rahel

Folks, if you were looking to help Rahel with the expenses toward her cat’s diabetes, you can hit my Paypal or Amazon tipjars and I will send the money along to Rahel. She’s just advanced me the funds she received … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers, Cats | 1 Comment

Hamas Gaza update

That law and order established in Gaza that Hamas bragged about? Well, maybe not so much. It’s red on red again, and of course, the bystanders are getting hurt. Fierce clashes have been taking place between Hamas and Islamic Jihad … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas | 4 Comments

U.K. discovers anti-Semitism is a crime against Jews

Okay, I’m really not sure about the whole hate crime thing, but one thing that I have said in the past is that if you’re going to have hate crimes laws, then a hate crime is a hate crime. Except … Continue reading

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Ethnic cleansing acceptable to the world

This is an example of ethnic cleansing that the world never really objects to much: Baghdad was once one of the great cradles of Jewish culture and wisdom, but now, according to the Christian priest who has been looking after … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | 2 Comments