Critiquing some of the new TV season

Well, I’ve watched a few of the new shows this week, and have some opinions.

Grey’s Anatomy: So glad it’s back. Just as funny and fun and sad and surprising as ever. Really like bringing in Meredith’s half-sister. Really hate the George/Izzy plotline.

Private Practice: Addison, you should have stayed in Seattle. Everyone in Private Practice is boring. Their lives are boring. Their patients are boring. The hospital scenes is what makes Grey’s Anatomy more than just another nighttime soap. The conflict on Private Practice? Boo-ring. Won’t be wasting my time on that one.

Ugly Betty: Huh. I’ve generally only caught the last few minutes of it, but I caught the season finale last year, and decided to watch the opener this year, and y’know, it’s a lot funnier than it used to be, and still fairly dramatic. I may have to start watching.

Big Shots: Gee, a show about man-sluts. Just what this country needed, a show about man-sluts. Great cast. Some hot guys. And it’s a show about—man-sluts. Plus, it’s a badly-written show about man-sluts. Sorry. That clip you see with the guys talking about how they’re the new women in town? They are. And they’re not nearly as interesting as the ladies of Wisteria Lane (who are going to be joined by two of my favorite soap stars this year, so waiting for Sunday to arrive).

Reaper: Kevin Smith’s new show about Jay and Silent Bob, excuse me, two other guys who merely resemble Jay and Silent Bob, working for the devil to capture souls that have escaped from Hell. It was funny and interesting. I’ll keep watching.

Men in Trees: This was a charming, sweet show that I fell in love with last year. Looking forward to seeing the rest of last year’s episodes, plus the new ones. It isn’t Gilmore Girls, but it’s a good substitute. I need my TV show/chick flick every year. Before there was Gilmore Girls, there was Sisters, and now there is Men in Trees. Now if only Joss Whedon would get another show on a network somewhere.

Shows not yet seen: Bionic Woman (have it on tape) and Pushing Daisies. And what the hell happened to Lost? When is Jericho back on?

Overall, though, not much good on TV these days. There’s Heroes, of course. And the above shows. That’s about it for me, unless you’re watching something good that I’m missing. Oh. Scrubs isn’t back yet.

No, I will not be watching the new Cavemen show. I’ve read enough about it to know it’s going to suck. There hasn’t been a decent new comedy in ages.

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9 Responses to Critiquing some of the new TV season

  1. Agrippa2k says:

    I have a show for you to check out. On Showtime – “Weeds”. The first and second seasons may be on DVD available at Blockbuster. Only 10 30min episodes each.

    Prepare for racism (with a smile) like you have never seen. Liberal outrages beyond the pale.

    Showtime’s cash cow has been to develop shows for 3-5 years then push them down to the networks (who’s watching Showtime anyway).

    Should be good for sound bites for your Shire shorts.

    You know I just realized why I like Jericho and Lost. When the world has ended, much of the “Liberal” absurdity goes out the window.

  2. Bert says:

    Who cares about all THOSE shows ?. Stargate: Atlantis starts up here in Canada on October 1st. That’s all that really counts.

  3. MrFred says:

    did you really say ‘on tape’?

  4. Yup. On tape. I tape my shows on an ancient Panasonic VCR that still works just fine.

    And I don’t have digital cable yet, either.

    You have to remember, I’ve been broke for the last few years. It’s only recently that I’ve finally come into good jobs for good salaries, and things like TiVo are way, WAY down on my list of things to get.

    Plus, I don’t like that they track my every viewing move. I probably won’t get it when I upgrade.

  5. John M. says:

    Bionic Woman was pretty good.

  6. Amelia Short says:

    Yes I agree this mentioned bionic woman show is great. I think it is very appealing to men and women who want a normal feamle hero on TV.

    Yours Sincerely.

  7. Peter says:

    I had high hopes for Back To You (new sitcom with Kelsey Grammar (Frasier) and Patricia Heaton (Everybody Loves Raymond) but was sorely disappointed with the pilot (way way way too many cheap sex jokes that simply weren’t funny, Two and a Half Men does that far better) and could not get past Frasier talking to Deborah Barone…

    Jericho debuts later in the season for 7 ‘intense’ episodes, there will be a full third season IF CBS feels there’s an audience. Battlestar Galatica’s final season starting next year is what I’m really waiting for (that and MTV’s broadcast of Legally Blonde, The Musical on 10/13), I’m nothing if not eclectic.

  8. Peter says:

    I had high hopes for Back To You (new sitcom with Kelsey Grammar (Frasier) and Patricia Heaton (Everybody Loves Raymond) but was sorely disappointed with the pilot (way way way too many cheap sex jokes that simply weren’t funny, Two and a Half Men does that far better) and could not get past Frasier talking to Deborah Barone…

    Jericho debuts later in the season for 7 ‘intense’ episodes, there will be a full third season IF CBS feels there’s an audience. Battlestar Galatica’s final season starting next year is what I’m really waiting for (that and MTV’s broadcast of Legally Blonde, The Musical on 10/13), I’m nothing if not eclectic.

  9. Stefanie says:

    Lost comes back in January.

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