The miracle of Sukkot

A sukkah may have saved a baby’s life.

A 14-month-old baby from Bnei Brak was lightly injured Thursday when he fell from a third floor apartment window onto a sukkah, Yedioth Ahronoth reported.

The sukkah that broke the baby’s fall was located in the building’s courtyard and was empty at the time of the incident. At around 5 pm the baby’s parents heard screaming and rushed downstairs after realizing that their infant son was not in the apartment.

After finding their baby lying inside the sukkah, fully conscious with only a slight bruise on his head, the parents summoned a Magen David Adom emergency team, which transferred the baby to the Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer for further treatment.

The mother said the baby had apparently climbed onto a small bench located near the window and then fell.

Mind you, the parents shouldn’t have had an open window in that situation, but still—the baby’s just fine today, thanks to the command to build a sukkah on Sukkot.

A positive story for a change. Delightful.

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One Response to The miracle of Sukkot

  1. Susan says:

    Baruch HaShem!
    Just the sort of thing I need to hear – thank you, too, for posting it.

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