Monthly Archives: September 2007

The new season of Heroes starts…

in about four minutes. Did you remember? I forgot to keep up on the online comics, but I did what my friend Lynn suggested and just watched the finale again. And I was so right about Nathan and Peter. (Had … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 5 Comments

Happy news

I finally got the offer from Company in Northern Virginia. I accepted the verbal offer and am awaiting the written offer. If all goes well, I will be on staff by October 1st. 5768 is starting out well for me. … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 17 Comments

Ahmadinejad: Lie, deny, and redirect the question

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad did not respond fully to a single question asked by either the National Press Club, or anyone at Columbia. In fact, he actually answered a question on why Iran is executing homosexuals by declaring that there are no … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | 3 Comments

This week’s Shire Network News

Podcast is looking at a graphic novel This week we’re talking to graphic novelist, Bosch Fawstin. He speaks here to Shire Network News’s deputy-assistant under manger with responsibility for graphic novels, cartoon and illustrations, “Tom Paine” about why he’s decided … Continue reading

Posted in Podcasts | Comments Off on This week’s Shire Network News

Rotten to …

In “The Mideast Core” The editors of the Washington Post argue Ms. Rice should also discourage Israel from intensifying the ongoing conflict with Hamas-ruled Gaza by shutting off its electricity and fuel supplies. It’s hardly possible that Mr. Olmert will … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, palestinian politics | 2 Comments

Live from the BBC today at 1:30 p.m.

I’ll be a guest on the World Have Your Say BBC radio programme (using BBC spelling in honour of BBC programme, must stop now). The topic: Should Ahmadinejad be allowed to lay a wreath at Ground Zero. The show starts … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | 11 Comments

Terrorist reneges on pledge: Try not to be shocked

Gee, here’s a shock. One of the 180 terrorists who signed an agreement swearing that if Israel took him off a most-wanted list, he’d stop trying to murder Jews, was captured with—weapons and explosives. Border Police special forces Sunday arrested … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments

Is Scott Adams antisemitic?

In a word, “no.” I received an e-mail from a reader asking me to respond to a recent item in Scott Adams’ blog. (I have to admit that the foul language of the item is very offputting. Adams has talent, … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel | 4 Comments

Uzi Mahnaimi and his misinformation

The stories about Israel hitting a Syrian/Korean nuclear facility have been coming fast and furious, and the most sensational are the ones in the London Times, penned by our old pal Uzi Mahnaimi. I would like to refresh your memory … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Syria | 4 Comments

Ahmadinejad: “Israel is not a nation”

I think this puts paid the deniers who say that Mad Mahmoud doesn’t want Israel destroyed. PELLEY: Mr. President, you say you love all nations. I have to assume that includes the Nation of Israel. AHMADINEJAD: Israel is not a … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | 2 Comments

Free speech for me, but not for thee

On the even of the Iranian president’s visit to America, where he intends to take full advantage of our freedom of speech, an Iranian news website that criticizes Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been shut down. Tehran – The Iranian judiciary has … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | 1 Comment

N or c?

The Times of London purports to report on the details of the Israeli raid into Syria including a new “detail” that Israel seized some nuclear material. But as Hot Air and Israel Matzav point out, the reporter has been known … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Syria | 2 Comments

Israel vs. the terrorists

The IDF foiled what would have been a major terror attack in the heart of Tel Aviv, on the holiest day of the year. A suicide attack in Tel Aviv was thwarted on Saturday when security forces found an explosives … Continue reading

Posted in Religion, Terrorism | 6 Comments

G’mar hatima tova

An easy and meaningful fast to all my Jewish readers. This blog will be going dark until after my Saturday night break-fast. You wouldn’t want me blogging on an empty stomach, anyway. You have no idea how crabby I get … Continue reading

Posted in Holidays, Religion | 1 Comment

More on the Gaza “hostile territory” designation

The Jerusalem Post says the designation of Gaza as a hostile entity is a prelude towards dumping responsibility for Gaza back to Egypt—who, I’m sure, doesn’t want the responsibility. I wonder how that’s going to go over. A day after … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel | 2 Comments