Monthly Archives: September 2007

Olmert must go

Syria hosts the exiled head of Hamas, and has done so for years. Syria arms Israel’s enemies in Lebanon, and has done that for years. Syria regularly holds what is, in effect, conventions of terrorists so that they may plot … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Syria | 6 Comments

Israel, Iran, and North Korea

Israel’s satellite technology is about to get even better. In a unique flight scheduled for liftoff from India Sept. 17-20, Israel’s first “Polaris/TecSat” military imaging radar satellite is to be launched along with India’s first military recon spacecraft. They will … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Syria | 2 Comments

Detering the deterrers

On September 9, 2003 16 people and more than 80 were wounded in two suicide bombings in Israel. Sept 9, 2003 – Nine IDF soldiers were killed and 30 people were wounded in a suicide bombing at a hitchhiking post … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Egyptians shoot refugee in back, world yawns

Once again, Egpytian border guards have murdered an African refugee. And once again, the world utterly ignores it. Egyptian border guards shot dead an Eritrean man trying to cross the border into Israel, Egyptian police sources said on Monday. The … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time | 1 Comment

1 to 600 ratio

1 to 600 would be the ratio of Israeli missiles to Iranian missiles needed to win a war between the two. Iran says it has 600 Shihab-3 missiles aimed and primed to hit Israel if either Iran or Syria is … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | 4 Comments

The U.K. thinks it still has a British Mandate

My first reaction to this report: What right has the U.K. got to tell Israel what to do? Israel must strike a balance between ensuring short-term security and helping the Palestinian territories develop economically to secure a more stable future, … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 5 Comments

Still more on the Syrian raid

Ynet says that Condoleeza Rice is coming to Israel tomorrow to say thanks for the raid on Syria. What exactly, one has to wonder, would be so important that the Secretary of State herself would be shaking the pilots’ hands … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Syria | 4 Comments

Shire Network News and the London Times

This week’s feature interview is with the author of the London Times piece on how jihadis are running Britain’s mosques. My piece compares Hollywood war films from 1945 with Hollywood war films of today. (Hint: Hollywood does not come off … Continue reading

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Did Israel get its groove back?

In recent weeks Israel’s apparently carried out two spectacular raids that brings back memories of times passed. Mere Rhetoric observed And Israel specifically still needs to be able to convince its enemies that not only can it use its tanks … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon | 2 Comments

AFP really angry Israel can defend herself

The AFP, still being shut out in the Syria matter, is now bashing Israel for being “boastful“—when the Jewish State is being anything but. In fact, the AFP has written several stories about how Israel is “uncharacteristically” silent on the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Juvenile Scorn | 1 Comment

Israel’s problems are solved

That’s what I thought when I read the headline “Madonna: I’m an ‘ambassador for Judaism’“. Who better to represent the Jewish state than a Catholic born superstar from the 80’s who parades around the stage in her underwear? (via memeorandum) … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Jews, Pop Culture | 5 Comments

Haveil Havalim #134 is UP!

Shameless self promoter that I am, I’m taking advantage of Meryl’s kindness to announce that Haveil Havalim #134 is UP at my place, Soccer Dad. This week’s edition features posts discussing Israel’s ongoing two front war, Walt and Mearsheimer, the … Continue reading

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More on the Syria strike

Update: Crap. I didn’t notice one of the author’s names. it’s the guy who makes crap up about Israel. Grain of salt warning is now in effect. To review one of my posts from yesterday: Exit thought: Israel’s recent successful … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Syria | 6 Comments

What teachers live for

I was talking to one of my students’ parents today before class, telling her that her son is already proving to be one of the most knowledgeable in my class. She told me he came home last Sunday loving the … Continue reading

Posted in Teaching | 3 Comments

A Holocaust tale, 1

Hey there, Andrew Sullivan readers. This story is turning out to be bogus. Read to the end of this post. And check out the main page while you’re here. Iran is running a TV series about the Iranian ambassadors in … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Holocaust, Iran | 9 Comments