Monthly Archives: September 2007

Palestinian laff-riot of the month

The terrorists in Gaza say they’re going to stop firing rockets at Israel. Palestinian armed groups in the Gaza Strip agreed on Sunday to stop firing rockets towards Israel, a Palestinian official told Ynet. The official said the agreement was … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Television | 3 Comments

Solved: The Syrian silence

Syrian’s been vewy, vewy quiet about the Israeli mission in Syria, except for a bit of bluster about how the great Syrian air force frightened the IAF away (try not to laugh, those of you who know about the 1982 … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Syria | 5 Comments

Syria attack related to nukes?

The WaPo says the attack on Syria last week was to stop them from building nuclear weapons of some sort. U.S. sources reported this week that Israel had recently provided the United States with evidence — known by the code … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Syria | 2 Comments

While the dust settles

That mysterious sortie into the Syrian territory, ascribed to IAF, continues to bother the news agencies. Today, Jerusalem Post, Haaretz and Ynet in concert with CNN published a new version of the story, with Debka presenting a separate opinion. What … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Syria | 1 Comment

Khameini admits Iran is fighting in Iraq

The leader of Iran out-and-out admitted that Iran is fighting American troops in Iraq. It’s near the end of the AP story about how he says Bush is going to be put on trial for war crimes someday. Here’s the … Continue reading

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Saudi ERA Watch

Try not to laugh. Saudi women are fighting for the right to drive. It’s really not funny. It’s pathetic. Women in the only country in the world which still bans women from driving want to put their best foot forward … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, Religion | 1 Comment


I sent my HP laptop to the shop to get the keyboard and battery issue fixed. I asked about reformatting the hard drive, since I know that the knee-jerk reaction of all techs when faced with a laptop that doesn’t … Continue reading

Posted in Computers | 6 Comments

Ahmadinejad calls for Israel’s end

Say, remember the dog-and-pony show that academics and other anti-Israel “experts” trotted out when Ahmadinejad said that Israel would be wiped off the map? Whatever this quotation from a decades-old speech of Khomeini may have meant, Ahmadinejad did not say … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran, Israel | 13 Comments

Piling on Walt & Mearsheimer

Two more anti-W-M book reviews to report. The first, from Bloomberg News, a devastating attack by Charles Taylor who, I think if I were to take a guess judging by his name, is not a member of The Lobby (or … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, The Catmage Chronicles | 12 Comments

AFP still mad that Israel won’t reveal state secrets

The AFP is still writing stories about how Israel refuses to divulge state secrets to AFP reporters. JERUSALEM (AFP) — Israel on Wednesday maintained an official blackout on an apparent strike by its warplanes on Syria, amid reports that the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias, Syria | Comments Off on AFP still mad that Israel won’t reveal state secrets

Shana Tovah

This is the time of year when I wish a sweet and happy and healthy new year to all of my Jewish friends and family. May you be inscribed in the Book of Life for nothing but good things this … Continue reading

Posted in Holidays, Jews | 6 Comments

Reuters not happy that Israel won’t commit suicide

Reuters is spinning the talks between Abbas and Olmert as Israel “resisting” the Palestinians. Why? Because Israel is insisting that the Palestinians actually do something before Israel gives them what they want. You know, like stop terror and incitement and … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | 1 Comment

Two major terror attacks thwarted

Two major terror attacks in Israel were thwarted in the past few days. The first involved a suicide bombing in Tel Aviv. A Palestinian teen detained by an IDF force at a checkpoint near Nablus Sunday was found to be … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Nondeterrence equals more missiles

Palestinians really have nothing to fear from launching rockets into Israel on a daily basis. Few of the missile launchers have actually been tracked down and killed. So they keep on firing missiles. Case in point: Palestinian terror groups launched … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel | Comments Off on Nondeterrence equals more missiles

A letter from Iseema bin Laden

Longtime readers of my blog may remember my discovery and disclosure of the diary of Iseema bin Laden, Osama’s half-brother. They have the same father, different mothers, but are nearly identical in appearance. They also spent their youths in a … Continue reading

Posted in Humor | 2 Comments