Heroes: The first rule of Sylar

Okay. Here’s the thing that should be the first rule of Sylar, now and always: If you find yourself alone with an evil mutant who can eat your brain, don’t stop to think, talk, or mention how good you can be together. Count zero and run away. Preferably screaming.

I mean, come on. Candace just flunked Supervillains 101.

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8 Responses to Heroes: The first rule of Sylar

  1. Sabba Hillel says:

    So it is possible to have Sylar still replace Nathan like we saw in “the future” last season.

  2. Good point. But how is Peter going to get that scar? He can regenerate. That must have been a different future.

    Anyway, that plot is over and done with. Time for the new plot, which is to see how many people die between Hiro’s father and The Man in the Horn-Rimmed Glasses. And will he die at the end of season two? Only the next 21 episodes will tell.

    I was wrong about the guy in the hoodie. We both were. He’s someone that Hiro’s father knew, but we may not have met him yet.

  3. Sabba Hillel says:

    Since I haven’t had a chance to see the episode tape yet, I can’t really comment. However, as Sylar gets more powers, he would get more and more dangerous. I suppose that every so often Peter meets him and updates his powers.

    I think that his loss of memory would actually be an advantage as he would start integrating his powers into normal usage rather than having to consciously link one at a time. That would set up a good fight without him panicking when he starts to glow as he did at the end of last season.

    Unless you saw a preview in which Claire’s “father” dies, I expect him to keep going. I still expect that many of them actually have all of the powers but just express the individual ones that best fit their psyche. That is why Sylar survived as did the others who were injured and healed much faster than normal.

    Perhaps the Haitian will suppress Sylar as he did last time.

    Actually, Peter got the scar because he had never met Claire. So perhaps time “tries” to return to “normal” after it has been modified. Thus, certain things stay changed but others move back.

  4. Jon says:

    I’m glad they didn’t let Sylar take Candace’s power (at least not yet), although I was pretty angry when it looked like he had succeeded right before the commercial break. I think the writers are smart enough not to try to repeat the Sylar-stealing-people’s powers storyline from season 1.

  5. Nah. Sylar isn’t at full strength yet. Give him time. He’ll be back eating brains before you know it.

  6. The Doctor says:

    Unless all of it, including killing Candace, was an illusion…we never did see her face, just a Jabba-esque lump on the floor.

    Anyone else think Candace was drugged just in case Young Spock did in fact get around to eating her brain?

  7. Jon says:

    Given that the Company has made this same mistake before (imprisoning Sylar and thinking his powers are gone/muted), you’d have hoped they would have learned their lesson.

  8. Sabba Hillel says:

    It is also possible that the way the illusion power works is on other people. That is “Candace” never saw her own illusions (or at least not while she was alone). Thus, even if Sylar successfully stole her power, he would not know it until someone else is affected.

    Of course you could be right that she was not standing there when he “hit her”. Consider the fact that it appears that he is in an isolated forest with noone around. We will have to see.

    Also, is Mr. Bennet the “man in the horned rim glasses” or is it the man who recruited Dr. Suresh? Is the last picture really of him dead or is Claire kissing her boyfriend because he just saved the two of them from Sylar. Remember, there was a picture of Peter dead also.

    I think that they will probably have Sylar permanently lose the powers that he stole before he died (the recap as the powers were “freed” as he died) but get new ones.

    Since brother must have read what is in the box, why shouldn’t Peter and Caitlin open it. That seems more like a soap opera than a legitimate twist.

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