“Discomfort?” maybe he needs a thesaurus

Ha’aretz is reporting that

The Palestinian militants suspected of plotting to attack Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s convoy earlier this year were arrested for a second time on Friday and will face a military trial, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said on Sunday.Olmert said Sunday that Israel would “not look the other way” on a plot by a terrorist cell from Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah faction to attack his convoy this past summer in the West Bank city of Jericho.

Arrested again?

Following the incident, Israel gave the PA intelligence information regarding the terrorists’ identities, and several were arrested by the PA intelligence services. Several additional Fatah men were arrested by Israel during West Bank raids.Nonetheless, the PA last week released those terrorists it had detained, despite the fact that, according to Diskin, they had admitted to planning the attack.

So members of the security service of Israel’s moderate peace partners used confidential information to plan an attack on Israel’s Prime Minister. Then they were released. How does the Prime Minister feel about this turn of events?

The Jerusalem Post reports:

Nevertheless, referring to the early release of the suspects, Olmert said that the PA’s conduct was “a source of discomfort.””Israel will find the manner in which to express its discomfort on the issue,” he said before leaving Israel for France.

Discomfort? Look if he needs a thesaurus I’ll happily provide him with appropriate terms. Let’s start with “outrage.” Apparently, though, Prime Minister Olmert doesn’t think an attempt on his was that serious.

“However, [Israel] has no intention of halting negotiations with the Palestinians.”

So an attempt on the life of a nation’s prime minister by a supposed peace partner is not a cause for alarm.

Good to know.

LGF observes

Assassination plots make Olmert a bit uncomfortable, but apparently not so uncomfortable that he doesn’t want to give the Palestinians a state, Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount.

PowerLine suggests a disturbing implication about the plot.

This past December, the San Francisco Chronicle reported that United States officials were training Fatah “security forces” loyal to Abbas (more here). Could those Fatah “security forces” that plotted to kill Olmert have received any of their training from the United States? I doubt that Secretary Rice will be looking for an answer to that question as she seeks to engineer the kind of “peace” that would bear roughly the same relation to peace as Fatah’s “security forces” do to security forces.

I suppose then that Secretary Rice isn’t that different from PM Olmert in outlook. Nothing ought to derail the peace process.
Israel Matzav sums up the problem exactly.

Why would the ‘Palestinians’ want to assassinate Olmert when he’s ready to give them everything (or nearly everything) they want? Because the ‘Palestinians’ don’t really want a state reichlet. They don’t want to deal with trash collection and schools and road repairs and water quality. They’re a ‘revolution.’ They don’t want to govern. They want to destroy the Jewish state. Olmert may think he’s giving them what they want. But he’s not. In the same way that they couldn’t govern Gaza, they won’t be able to govern Judea and Samaria either – if God forbid it is ever given to them. And they have no interest in even trying. Without their ‘war’ with Israel, they have nothing to offer the ‘Palestinian people.’

He also remembers a time when Olmert considered an attack on an Israeli minister a serious matter.

And why didn’t Olmert send the IDF to arrest them like he did when the PA tried to let Rehavam Zeevi HY”D’s killers go? At the time, Abu Mazen called that raid unforgivable.

Why isn’t it important now?

via memeorandum.

More comments at Simply Jews.

Crossposted at Soccer Dad.

About Soccerdad

I'm a government bureaucrat with delusions of literacy.
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4 Responses to “Discomfort?” maybe he needs a thesaurus

  1. maybe Olmert wants to become a suicide/martyr?
    think about it.
    great posting
    Dry Bones
    Israel’s Political Comic Strip Since 1973

  2. Look, SD, for a person like Olmert who eats gunpowder for dessert and bullets for appetizer, a shot less or ten shots more do not count, really.

  3. Ed Hausman says:

    All is not lost! Fayad: PA will ‘study’ plot against PM

    Unless he means, so they get it right the next time. That’s not nice.

  4. Tatterdemalian says:

    “maybe Olmert wants to become a suicide/martyr?”

    That only makes sense for people who are fanatics, or are facing certain death anyway. Olmert is no fanatic, so I’m guessing he’s facing certain death anyway, and is grasping at any straw that might delay it.

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