
So let’s see. Events that pop up on the “Most Stressful” lists include losing a job (December), getting a new job (February), the death or illness of a parent (see above), financial troubles (good job, but still paying down debt), buying a house (looking, haven’t yet decided whether or not I can afford the condo), and I’m pretty sure “Throwing a big party for the first time in your life while working full-time and trying to learn the haftarah and Torah” should be on the list, at least for people having their adult bat mitzvahs.

Oh, and throw in three cousins and their entire families living in San Diego, and half of them having to be evacuated from their homes. Thankfully, they and their belongings are all safe and sound now.

I got about half an hour’s decent practice in with Elisson this afternoon on our lunchtimes. Then I tried to practice this evening after work. Everything sucked. Nothing worked. I gave up in frustration, and told Elisson I wanted to bail during our evening practice. Dr. Elisson prescribed listening twice to the mp3 my old rabbi made for me before bedtime, and relaxing until tomorrow.

I am going to watch The Bionic Woman, and then I’m going to bed.

I need to recharge. There is far too much stress in my life. My batteries are dead. I’m about ready to break into the Halloween Milky Way bars.

There is a slightly wet Tig waiting for me to relax in The Chair That Swallows You Whole. I can deal with a damp cat purring in my lap.

Yeah, and a couple of Milky Ways. Definitely.

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