Somebody’s listening

Mom can come to the bat mitzvah. Her orthopedist told her to take it easy, use her cane, and get a wheelchair to go through the airports. She’s going to stay in a hotel room with my cousins, which leaves the sofabed for my brother.

And I had a great haftarah session with Elisson today. I seem to have turned a corner in the learning process. We were only going to do a few lines, and wound up doing nearly all of the second half. I was reading the last few lines cold, having never practiced them, and doing fairly well at it. Looks like I’m picking up the trope after all.

Shabbat shalom, and thanks for the well-wishes. They’re working.

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One Response to Somebody’s listening

  1. Bob says:

    Congrats! We evangelical Christians have it so easy. Recite a few verses from the King James Bible and you’re considered a spiritual giant. My Hebrew, not so good.

    (BTW, the man’s pseudonym is “Elisson” — it’s word play on “Eli’s Son”.)

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