Maybe we should let the Russians arm Iran

Look at how crappy their security is on their own nukes. Maybe Russia will just build something so shoddy it’ll kill the Iranians running it.

A small amount of radioactive material leaked while being transported across the grounds of Russia’s main nuclear waste processing plant, the facility’s management said in a statement Friday.

The leak occurred Thursday on a service road during routine transportation from one part of the Mayak facility to another, it said. An unspecified problem with a hermetically-sealed valve on a cistern containing the material caused the spillage of liquid medium-grade radioactive waste.

No one was injured, and personnel at the nuclear facility, located in the Chelyabinsk region in the Ural mountains, have begun to decontaminate the area, the company said.

Mayak also said that the no personnel or vehicles leaving the compound were exposed to radiation as a result of the leakage. It said radiation levels in the area were within the norm.

And by the way: I call bullshit on the boldface claim. Chernobyl, baby. Chernobyl.

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2 Responses to Maybe we should let the Russians arm Iran

  1. Long_Rifle says:

    In Soviet Russia radioactive waste is good for you!

    Is put in sturdy metal drums to prevent fall-apart.

    Only small leak made, was cleaned up by top skilled soviet!

    Was not dangerous leak, only kill 3 people.

    No worry, people not important people.

    Long live glorious Soviet People!

  2. Paul says:

    Leave it to the Russians. Mix Russian and Iranian and you have a radioactive mess !!

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