Monthly Archives: October 2007

Spoiling for a fight

According to the NY Times the United States is prepared to declare the Quds unit of Iran’s Revolutionary guards a terrorist organization. The administration also plans to accuse the entire Revolutionary Guard Corps of proliferating weapons of mass destruction, the … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Syria | 1 Comment

Giving the cap back

There’s a fascinating story about a daring Israeli commando raid 35 years ago in the Jerusalem Post. The Sabena plane had been hijacked by Black September, a PLO splinter group, after leaving Vienna, where it had stopped on a flight … Continue reading

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The unbearable lightness of optimism

Professor Isaac Ben-Israel, via good services of Ynet, dropped today a huge Valium tablet on the unsuspecting citizens of Israel. The pill is titled Nuclear bomb won’t destroy Israel. I am not sure whether I understand all motives of that … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 7 Comments

The hypocritical Mufti

As we mentioned last month, the Waqf is systematically destroying priceless Jewish artifacts on the Temple Mount, with the permission of the Olmert government. The Israeli Antiquities Authority does have some archaeologists on site to watch the destruction being done … Continue reading

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So let’s see. Events that pop up on the “Most Stressful” lists include losing a job (December), getting a new job (February), the death or illness of a parent (see above), financial troubles (good job, but still paying down debt), … Continue reading

Posted in Life, Religion | Comments Off on Meltdown

Programmers wanted

If you’re a kick-ass programmer with VB, SQL, Oracle, and database skills, Company in Northern VA is hiring. Email me a summary of your skills and I will pass them along to the boss. It’s a great place to work, … Continue reading

Posted in Miscellaneous | 1 Comment

“Kill Jews everywhere”

Another Palestinian Arab terrorist momentarily forgets the fiction that he is only supposed to hate Zionists, not Jews: Prominent leader of the Popular Resistance Committees Abu Al-Sa’id on Wednesday called on the de facto Palestinian government to hasten disbanding the … Continue reading

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Equating the victim with her killer

Media Backspin writes of the documentary To die in Jerusalem, which somehow balances the death of Rachel Levy with the death of the girl who killed her. (My guess is that the movie ignores the hero, Haim Smadar, who died … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Pop Culture, Television, Terrorism | Comments Off on Equating the victim with her killer

Good news story of the day

Because we all need this. MANSFIELD, Ohio (AP) – A couple won’t mark their 27th anniversary until Thursday, but they’ve already received the perfect gift: the wedding pictures they couldn’t afford when they married as teenagers. Their photographer showed up … Continue reading

Posted in Miscellaneous | 2 Comments

Was Syria planning to attack Israel?

The Jerusalem Post reports that according to a report in the UAE, Syria was preparing for a war with Israel two weeks ago. Al-Khaleej quoted “senior sources” in Damascus as saying that Syria had received intelligence that Israel was seriously … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

It’s UN Day: Let’s act like the UN

In honor of UN Day, let us do exactly as the UN does. Since we don’t exactly have wars here, these are the rules for anyone who attacks anyone else in the comments of this post: If the complainant is … Continue reading

Posted in Satire, World | 13 Comments

No more milestone parties

That’s it. No more for me. Ten years ago, I planned to have that particular milestone party in San Diego, at my favorite aunt’s home. She was sick with pancreatic cancer, but we were hoping and praying that she’d make … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 8 Comments

The Bidoon

Palestinian Arabs aren’t the only ones who are treated like dirt by the Arab world. There is also a large population known as Bidoon, short for Bidun jinsiya which means “without nationality” in Arabic. Most are Arab. There are between … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

Diehl-ing from the bottom of the deck

In the Deal on the Table Jackson Diehl makes the tired argument Between the end of the last serious Israeli-Palestinian talks, in January 2001, and their resumption this month, more than 4,000 Palestinians and Israelis have been killed in the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Walking back the cat X 2

According to William Safire “walking back the cat” is a technique used to determine dissent in an otherwise closed government. Intelligence analysts have a technique to reveal a foreign government’s internal dissension called ”walking back the cat.” They apply what … Continue reading

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