Monthly Archives: October 2007

The poisoned fruit of multiculturalism

For at least 20 years there was a debilitating fog of moral relativism in the air, a miasma of guilty self-loathing, to the point when some natives persuaded themselves that although all other cultures were equal, ours alone was less … Continue reading

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The Syria strike: Toldja it was nukes

More evidence is piling up that Israel destroyed a nascent nuclear reactor in the Syrian desert. Israel’s air attack on Syria last month was directed against a site that Israeli and American intelligence analysts judged was a partly constructed nuclear … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Syria | 2 Comments

Rafsanjani: Jews were pain in the neck

It appears that the master of Iranian stand-up comedy, Mahmoud Ahmydinnerjacket, has a serious problem with his ex-competitor for the post, the “moderate” Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani. They disagree on a key point in Mahmoud’s world vision. While Mahmoud is a … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran | 1 Comment


Two verses down. Twenty-eight to go. I’m finally getting this trope. If this keeps up, I’ll get to do the maftir after all.

Posted in Religion | 7 Comments

Creative … or delusional?

Earlier this week came the news that a bipartisan group of 8 former government officials were urging the Bush administration to include talks with Syria and Hamas. Joe Klein calls the effort “creative.” The letter (cited here via The Washington … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 5 Comments

Can AP get any more biased?

Wow, the captions on Eid In The Middle East (you must capitalize it or you’re simply Missing. The. Point) are stunningly non-objective. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Well, yes, there is: A Palestinian boy rides a horse during … Continue reading

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Best and worst Halloween costumes EVER

I blame the seventies. Most of these shows were on in the seventies. Go. Click the link. Cringe. Laugh. Now go here to see the best ones.

Posted in Humor, Pop Culture | Comments Off on Best and worst Halloween costumes EVER

The British and the Wall

Yisrael Medad points out that the PalArabs are claiming ownership of the Western Wall and notes the claimed basis for this in international law, from a British commission in 1930 that was established in wake of the 1929 Muslim pogroms … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Jews, palestinian politics | 1 Comment

The Israel boycott movement: Dying?

A little background on Ann Arbor and UMich: Ann Arbor is an extremely liberal college town. So when UMich and Ann Arbor liberals vote down a boycott of Israeli products by an overwhelming margin, you have to think that the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 2 Comments

The meaning of confidence building gestures

As a goodwill gesture to Mahmoud Abbas Israel will allow 3500 illegal Palesitnian immigrants to stay. In a gesture to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Israel will grant residency permits to 3,500 Palestinians who have been living illegally in the occupied … Continue reading

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The AP tones down PIJ terror

I know the AP likes to think of itself as an unbiased, objective media outlet. But this interview with a top PIJ terrorist belies that. Abu Hamza is a small, soft-spoken man with a wide smile, but the rockets that … Continue reading

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Go somewhere else

Allah is depressed. Hot Air traffic is down. That’s probably because I’m not reading the site as much as I was before I became Haftarah Study Girl. (Don’t have the tropes down yet, but I did cut my haftarah mp3 … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers | 2 Comments

Another Walt/Mearsheimer lie

From JPost, on a W/M talk at MIT: “A critically important issue when talking about America’s terrorism problem is the matter of how US support for Israel’s brutal treatment of the Palestinians relates to what happened on September 11,” said … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Tunnel collapse in Gaza – another mega-attack thwarted?

From Ma’an: Gaza – Ma’an – A tunnel collapsed in the Al-Bureij refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip on Thursday, injuring a number of people. The casualties are believed to have suffocated in the incident, according to Mu’awiya Hassanain, … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

We are looking for nuclear wessels

Nothing to see here. Move on. With revelations suggesting that Israel struck a nuclear facility, Syria eager to keep ts good name and reputation intact has invited journalists to see that nothing happened. Foreign journalists perused the rows of corn … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Syria | 1 Comment