Monthly Archives: October 2007

“Pravda” means “truth”?

At least this is what your Russian-English dictionary will tell you. Not from my experience, though. Recently, while following a link from Olly’s Onions, I have stumbled upon an amazing pair of articles in Pravda. One that explains how American … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn, Media Bias | 6 Comments

There’s a new blogger in town

By the way, if you haven’t noticed, Elder of Ziyon has joined us. He’s kindly offered to help keep things going here while I”m studying trope. I do believe I’m beginning to get the hang of it.

Posted in Site news | 4 Comments

The disastrous idea of “land swap”

Palestinian Arab negotiators are flocking to wire service reporters to float ideas, and today another one came up – the idea of a “land swap” where Arabs get the same number of square kilometers from Israel that Israel keeps from … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 6 Comments

The lessons of “no-man’s land”

There was a telling detail in the reports of Abbas demanding everything from Israel: According to Palestinian negotiating documents obtained by The Associated Press, the Palestinian demands include all of the Gaza Strip, West Bank, east Jerusalem and small areas … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Palestinians prove the irridentism is in full bloom

Mahmoud Abbas has dropped the other shoe. He says the Palestinians want Israel to accede to all of their demands. And then maybe—maybe—the Palestinians might do something in return. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday laid out his most specific … Continue reading

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The fog of turf wars

I had previously been skeptical of claims that Israel struck a nuclear facility in Syria. Now apparently the reason everyone was assuming that it was a nuclear facility is because the word “nuclear” was floating around the halls of power. … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media, Terrorism | 3 Comments

A UC-Davis student speaks

From the comments: I am a UC Davis student and have been doing some research into the strong anti-semitic problem at this campus. In 2001 the UC Davis Hillel was SET ON FIRE. There is a history of strong anti-semitic … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel, Religion | 8 Comments

It has been a very long day

Got up before five due to neighbors coming home around then. Did not manage to get back to sleep. Gave up and got out of bed and downstairs to work before seven. Worked until two, tried to nap, failed. Got … Continue reading

Posted in Life | Comments Off on It has been a very long day

Fulfill the old commitments first

You have to give Dennis Ross credit. After years of unsuccessful peace processing he’s gone to the private sector and with the added benefit of more than a decade of hindsight, he clings tightly to his principles despite ample evidence … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 4 Comments

An example of media spin in Ynet

Let’s take a look at this article about Israeli opinion on turning over Jerusalem to non-Israeli rule. The headline: Poll: 37% of Israelis willing to cede sovereignty in Jerusalem’s holy sites My first thought at that headline was utter shock … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media, Religion | 2 Comments

Nothing personal

The Winograd Committee investigating the Second Lebanon War will issue its final report without any conclusions or recommendations against specific persons involved. Which means “Get out of jail” card to many a deserving person. Too bad… Cross-posted on SimplyJews. ***

Posted in Israel, Politics | 1 Comment

The long winter of Nasrallah

Many bloggers more worthy than your humble servant already covered the latest performance by Nasrallah the famous Lebanese groundhog. Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah accused Israel of being behind the assassination of Lebanese politicians and urged feuding parties to agree on … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon | 2 Comments

EU to Israel: If the peace talks fail, it’s all your fault

The EU is at it again, unwilling to give even the tiniest portion of responsibility for the lack of peace in Israel and the terrortories[sic] to the Palestinians. Oh, no, it’s all on Israel. The price of failure at the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, World | 2 Comments

Heroes: The first rule of Sylar

Okay. Here’s the thing that should be the first rule of Sylar, now and always: If you find yourself alone with an evil mutant who can eat your brain, don’t stop to think, talk, or mention how good you can … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 8 Comments

So you want to be a blogger

All right. I’m coming down to the wire for my adult bat mitzvah preparations. I have to cut back on time-wasting activities, which includes taping but not watching my favorite shows (I’m about to cut out my soap opera completely), … Continue reading

Posted in Site news | 1 Comment