Monthly Archives: October 2007


Ew, Jew Cooties: The Iranian ambassador to Chile showed up at an Israeli book party about a Zionist youth group. And he talked to the Israeli ambassador. Expect this guy to be recalled. This better not be true: Jordan will … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Jew Cooties | Comments Off on Briefly

At long last, Rob!

I can finally call Rob by his name when referring to his online persona. Something that only my very long-time readers know is that the blogosphere would have caught up with Rob eventually no matter what—the man is talented, smart, … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers, Life | 1 Comment

It’s not anti-Zionism, it’s anti-Semitism

UC Davis “anti-Zionists” vandalized a Sukka on the campus. Student Programs and Activities Center representatives reported a hate crime yesterday, as graffiti was found defacing a small hut on the Quad being used for a Jewish holiday. The booth, called … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Religion | 5 Comments

Now it is the booksellers’ turn

The body of a Christian official who was kidnapped over the weekend was discovered in Gaza City early Sunday, Palestinian sources said. The man was identified as Rami Ayyad, 31, director of The Teacher’s Bookshop, which is operated by the … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Terrorism | 5 Comments

Haveil Havalim #135 is UP!

Haveil Havalim – the carnival of Judaism and Israel – #135 is UP at Soccer Dad! Topics are: Pru U’revu Yom Tov Ahmadinejad in NY Jewish Practice Culture History Humor Israel Politics Antisemitism Go check it out!

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“Crude, homemade rockets” still landing in Israel

The daily rocket and mortar fire—which somehow doesn’t get nearly as much notice by the media as the daily “humiliations” of checkpoints—continues to fall on Israel. Eight mortar shells and four Qassam rockets landed in the Negev Sunday morning, as … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 3 Comments

The Syria strike: It was nukes

ABC News has an exclusive today that says the Syria strike was a nuclear facility, and that the U.S. stopped Israel from striking earlier. The September Israeli airstrike on a suspected nuclear site in Syria had been in the works … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Syria | 41 Comments

PA to Israel: Do what we say and shut up

Yet another demand from the Palestinians who, when last I checked, were the vanquished, not the victors, in the Intifada. Ahmed Qureia, head of the Palestinian team to negotiate a peace agreement with Israel said on Saturday that there was … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | 3 Comments

The Snark Report

Yes, I’m just in one of those moods. Hassan Nasrallah: I wish Arabs would invade Palestine (And by “Palestine,” he means “Israel.” And by “Arab Nation,” he means, “A fictional land that does not exist, will not exist, and frankly, … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Juvenile Scorn | 6 Comments

The unheard warning

In his post The Regrettable State of Being non-Muslim, Mick Hartley, one of my favorites, unearthed an interesting – an ominous – article by Raymond Ibrahim, titled The Two Faces of Al Qaeda. The article is a shocking document that … Continue reading

Posted in Religion, Terrorism | 1 Comment

The Israeli raid on Syria: Bypassing the radar

Aviation Week asked a group of aerospace and military experts to analyze how the Israeli Air Force managed to penetrate Russian-built (and Iranian-bought) Syrian radar installations in last month’s strike. The consensus: Israel has technology that can completely subvert and … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Syria | 9 Comments

Pushing Daisies: A great new show

The hype about Pushing Daisies is true. The pilot was excellent. It reminded me of Tim Burton’s humor, back when he was creating Beetlejuice and Edward Scissorhands. Plus, it’s from the folks who brought us Wonderfalls and Dead Like Me, … Continue reading

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Ruffini was right, mostly

Looks like Patrick was right, and I was wrong, about the SiteMeter visitor count. Not about everything, mind you. But definitely about the major issue. The things he was right about: If you stay on a high-traffic site while the … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers | 7 Comments

This week’s SNN

Someone forgot to tell you that this week’s Shire Network News, featuring an interview with Richard Landes of Second Draft (a.k.a., Pallywood), is up. It’s about the fact that France 2 is about to be exposed as the lying liars … Continue reading

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Palestinians: Israeli occupation was better than Hamas rule

Palestinians are so tired of Hamas they’re longing for the good old days of Israeli occupation: Asked a routine question about the 2006 Palestinian elections yesterday, Khaled abu Ahmed slipped off his sandal and used it to beat his head … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Media Bias | 3 Comments