Time wonders if Israel is going to attack Hezbollah

Time Magazine wonders if Israel is going to pre-emptively attack Hizbollah.

Is Israel laying the ground for preemptive air strikes against targets belonging to the militant Shi’ite group Hizballah in Lebanon?

Tensions have been building along the Lebanon-Israel border in recent days. The Israeli army was engaged last week in large-scale military exercises in northern Israel, close to the border with Lebanon, putting into practice the lessons learned from last year’s 34-day war against Hizballah. The exercises took place at the same time as Israeli jets conducted a growing number of mock air raids and overflights in Lebanese airspace. Israeli aircraft fly in Lebanese airspace on a near daily basis, but last week Lebanese army anti-aircraft units fired at the jets for the first time since the end of the war.

Hizballah, too, is reported to have carried out over the weekend its largest ever military maneuvers in south Lebanon. According to a report Monday in Lebanon’s Al-Akhbar newspaper, Hizballah’s three-day exercise was a response to the Israeli army’s own maneuvers and was intended, according to quoted Hizballah sources, to “deter the enemy from undertaking any further Lebanese adventures.”

I don’t think so. I think there are several reasons that Israel is conducting maneuvers there. First, they moved them from the Golan Heights to ratchet down the tensions with Syria. Second, they’re training for the IDF so that the next Hezbollah war goes a hell of a lot better than the last one. And third: If the U.S. bombs Iranian nuclear sites, Hezbollah will send rockets into Israel. Israeli forces need to protect their people.

In other words, Time’s analyst, in my opinion, is full of crap. Yet another sensationalist headline instead of an in-depth analysis of the facts and the situation.

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2 Responses to Time wonders if Israel is going to attack Hezbollah

  1. Ed Hausman says:

    Time’s analyst is pitifully naive, which is typical of the MeanStreak Media.

    A crucial difference, even by “international law” is that Israel’s national army was performing exercises on its own territory. Hizballah’s militia was violating a UN-mandated cease-fire zone.

    Israel needs no more excuse to take on Hizballah again other than it has not disarmed.

  2. Michael Lonie says:

    It’s not just Hezbollah that will strike if their owners in Iran get into an overt conflict with the US (as opposed to the covert one they are waging against us right now). Hamas will also attack from Gaza, and maybe even Syria if the Dorktator thinks Israel is weak or the Iranians apply the cattle prod to him. I gather Hamas has been upgrading its arsenal, so between the two they may be able to hit almost all of Israel with their missiles. And there is no telling how many Arab countries will become enthusiastic for renewed Jew-killing in the wake of supposed successes by those two outfits.

    Next time Israel should go a outrance, and finish off the enemy in Gaza and Southern Lebanon. And I do mean finish him off.

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