
Yesterday there was a conference, “Hijacking Human Rights: The Demonization of Israel by the United Nations,” in New York. The Jerusalem Post reported with a headline so obvious, it’s almost funny, US conference: UN biased against Israel.

The less obvious bit about this conference comes from Daniel Carmon.

Ironically, the one speaker to offer words of encouragement with regards to the UN was Deputy Permanent Representative of Israel Daniel Carmon. While acknowledging the atmosphere of “cynicism” that confronts the Israeli mission to the UN on a daily basis, Carmon said many have mistakenly approached the international body as “one black box.” “The automatic majority accompanies us with every step in the building, but this is not all that the UN represents,” said Carmon. “The UN is a more complicated, complex body.” Unlike other countries who participate in that “automatic majority,” which adopts processes and resolutions less for their content and more for who has signed on, Israel does not have a group with which to affiliate, nor will it in the near future, Carmon said.

However John Bolton had a much more negative view of things.

Earlier in the day, former US ambassador to the UN John Bolton was more critical of the international body. “The UN was marginal during the Cold War and is well on its way to marginalizing itself when it comes to the world’s greatest threat, terrorism,” said Bolton. The UN, he said, has failed to come up with a definition of terrorism, and without a definition, little can be done to stop it. Regarding Israel, he noted that “there are permanent members of the Security Council and non-permanent members, but Israel is the only permanent non-member.”

Daled Amos was there and reports on the talk given by Nonie Darwish.

She told the story about her brother in Gaza who 10 years ago unexpected collapsed and the question was: which hospital should they take him too–the hospital in Gaza or Hadassah Hospital. The decision was, that if he was to live, they had to take him to the Jewish hospital.

Crossposted on Soccer Dad

About Soccerdad

I'm a government bureaucrat with delusions of literacy.
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One Response to UN-helpful

  1. Alex Bensky says:

    “She told the story about her brother in Gaza who 10 years ago unexpected collapsed and the question was: which hospital should they take him too–the hospital in Gaza or Hadassah Hospital. The decision was, that if he was to live, they had to take him to the Jewish hospital.”

    And, of course, there was that young woman from Gaza a couple of years back who had received courteous and effective treatment at a Beersheba hospital and repaid the help and generosity by trying to return while laden with explosives. She was prevented from repaying the people who treated her by killing them only because of an alert guard at a checkpoint.

    I think of that whenever I read stories about the brutal way Israelis handle the checkpoints.

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