Monthly Archives: November 2007

Annapolis: The spin is in

And so it turns out that Annapolis has achieved just about nothing. Well, except cause more media outlets, pundits, and world leaders to put the lion’s share of the blame for any failure on Israel. Reuters has a roundup of … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time, palestinian politics | 4 Comments

Annapolis and beyond

Thomas Friedman makes some good points in Oasis or Mirage? He notes that the players in Annapolis were motivated more by fear than by love. Unlike others, he attaches a lot significance to the missing handshake. The Saudi foreign minister, … Continue reading

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Hamas will never recognize Israel

Hamas has stated yet again that they will never, ever recognize the rights of Jews to have a homeland in the land of their ancestors. “Today you are here to send a message to those who say the land of … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas | 4 Comments

Surprise! Hamas rules Gaza by terror and weapons

This is the gift that keeps on giving: The op-ed from the New York Times by Ismail Haniye’s “political adviser” that declared “Palestinians want, on their terms, the same thing Western societies want: self-determination, modernity, access to markets and their … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas | 2 Comments

Der Sturmer days are coming back?

When you start a sentence with “something is rotten in…”, you are usually trying to point out something more serious than a hangnail but still not as final and tragic as, to take one example, an incurable cancer growth. I … Continue reading

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Girls with guns

I grew up in New Jersey, and was taught to hate handguns. Really. Shotguns and rifles were okay if you hunted (not that I ever had the desire to hunt), but handguns? Evil. Death machines. The only reason to have … Continue reading

Posted in Guns | 109 Comments

Size doesn’t matter

In Bernard Lewis’s “On the Jewish Question,” the scholar gives a brief history of the Palestinian Israeli conflict in order to illustrate the fundamental problem with negotiations. If, on the other hand, the issue is the existence of Israel, then … Continue reading

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The Guardian fails U.S. Civics 101

In an article on Mad Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s offer to be an “observer” (H/T: Hot Air) in the 2008 presidential elections, Robert Tait of the Guardian—and his many layers of fact-checkers and editors—missed a vital fact of the American presidency. How … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Politics | 3 Comments

Different ways of saving lives

Yuval save lives because he’s a doctor. The Arab baby, Tara, had four heart defects. Tara had come to Israel through Save a Child’s Heart, a program that sponsors surgery for children from poor areas. Doctors had inserted a shunt … Continue reading

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Sieg-speak: war is peace

Henry Siegman is my hero. Really. With academic credential no greater than mine (a bachelor’s degree from the New School vs a B.A. in Math from Yeshiva University ) Siegman has had the title of “expert” appended to his name. … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 2 Comments

Haveil Havalim #142 is UP!

Haveil Havalim #142 is UP! Remembering a friend who died too soon. The latest in Israeli medical breakthroughs. The rain in Spain Israel. An Al Dura roundup. An Annapolis roundup. And much, much, more… Personal Israel Humor Al Dura Annapolis … Continue reading

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Shire Network News is up

The podcast is up, complete with my contribution. As Tom wrote: Shire Network News, the Anglosphere’s premier anti-Jihadi podcast is back, and this week we take a uniquely personal look at how one person has decided to take action. Reut … Continue reading

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An Annapolis quid pro quo?

For the last few months, we’ve been reading article after article about what is coming to be known as the Annapolis folly: The conference where nothing will be accomplished, where the U.S. knows that going in, and where the futility … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics, Syria | 2 Comments

This week’s podcast

While Tom is putting the podcast up, here’s a preview of something that I, er, borrowed from for my podcast. It’s funny, and language warnings are in effect. Not safe for work. But very funny.

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The good news story of the day

There’s a site online for the Jewish Foundation for the Righteous that has stories of Righteous Gentiles who saved Jews from the Holocaust. I think these stories will make an excellent counterpart to the incredibly depressing news of the day. … Continue reading

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