Monthly Archives: November 2007

Thankful for the Land of the Free

There is something to be said for America being the freest of the free lands. Especially when you read this paragraph at the very end of an article about the Australian elections: Participating in elections is compulsory under Australian law … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, World | 6 Comments

The fallout from Annapolis

The conference hasn’t even begun, and Hamas is already threatening more terrorist attacks after it’s over. Hamas will step up attacks against Israeli troops in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank after a US-hosted peace conference next week, an … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 1 Comment

Legacy of legacies

The administration was winding down. It wanted to make its mark on history. A legacy. What better legacy could there be than peace in the Middle East? And so the adminstration worked to make it happen. Shultz Expects Some Progress … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

The Annapolis farce force

The Annapolis farce will continue, now with the Golan Heights on the agenda. Let us remember that Israel just bombed a nascent Syrian nuclear plant in the desert, and yet, Syria is the nation that gets to set the demands … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Jew Cooties | 2 Comments

The futility of confidence building measures

In an innocuously title article, Israel Allows Some Gaza Exports, Isabel Kershner of the NY Times reported: Israel has approved the transfer of 25 armored personnel carriers from Russia to the Palestinian Authority and will allow the export of some … Continue reading

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Disorder in the (Israeli) courts

Isabel Kershner writes about the current controversy over Israeli’s judicial system in Friends’ Clash Reflects Battle Over Israeli Court In recent days, Aharon Barak, the internationally esteemed jurist and retired chief justice of Israel, has broken a self-imposed silence and … Continue reading

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All your radar are belong to us

Part of the Israeli attack on Syria included first taking out—via old-fashioned bombing—a critical radar station. And the U.S. helped. The first event in the raid involved Israel’s strike aircraft flying into Syria without alerting Syrian air defenses. The ultimate … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Syria | 1 Comment

Happy Thanksgiving

I have a lot to be thankful for this year. I have a great job, I’m on my way to financial security, my family is all healthy, I have great friends, Tig and Gracie are happy and healthy (albeit always … Continue reading

Posted in Holidays | 2 Comments

Adult entertainment

The original episodes of Sesame Street have been issued on DVD. But our children better not watch them. It wouldn’t be right. Just don’t bring the children. According to an earnest warning on Volumes 1 and 2, “Sesame Street: Old … Continue reading

Posted in Humor, Meanderings, Media, Pop Culture, Television | 3 Comments

Surprised George and The Bomb

This picture summarizes for me the image of George Monbiot: in essence – a surprised imbecile. The picture, by the way, comes from a BBC article, so it could not be labeled an Elders’ Photoshop job. His new article in … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 6 Comments

The chocolate course

Last year, due to Gracie’s illness and having to either board her or pay someone to come by twice a day to give her her pills, I stayed in Richmond for Thanksgiving instead of spending it in NJ with my … Continue reading

Posted in Holidays, Life | 2 Comments

A Thanksgiving story

From the creator of “The Internet is a Series of Tubes” PowerPoint comes: A Thanksgiving Story.

Posted in Holidays, Humor | 1 Comment

Israel turns the tables on the ICC

Israel is now using the ICC in ways, I’m sure, the UN never thought possible. Israeli organizations are bringing suit against Hamas for murdering Israeli citizens. ZAKA, a volunteer organization committed to the recovery and identification of human remains, in … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, World | 10 Comments

I’m back

I’m back from recovering from the cold/fever thingie, as well as from my business trip to northern VA and Washington. I got to experience the layers of bureaucracy up-close and personal, and was not in the least bit surprised that … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 2 Comments

Votes in the Middle East

Voters are headed to the polls in Jordan. Tuesday’s elections for the 110 seats in the lower house are marked by rising expressions of cynicism from among the country’s 2.4 million voters, and from political analysts. Eighteen years after Jordan’s … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment