Monthly Archives: November 2007

Hamas cracks down on Palestinian freedoms

I’m never going to get tired of referring to this lying op-ed the New York Times published: “Palestinians want, on their terms, the same thing Western societies want: self-determination, modernity, access to markets and their own economic power, and freedom … Continue reading

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Fifty things about me, on my 50th birthday

Part one. Part two. Part three. Part four. Part five. In honor of my fiftieth birthday, which is today, I am finishing my 50 Things About Me series. 41. I have a tendency to mark my birthdays these days with … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 19 Comments

Israeli-Arab MK: Israel has no say over Temple Mount

The true Fifth Column in Israel: An Israeli Arab member of the Knesset (yeah, that apartheid Israel, they have Arab members of Israel’s version of Congress) says that Israel has no legal jurisdiction over the Temple Mount. The digs, replied … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time, Religion | 3 Comments

An ignatius mess

(h/t Media Backspin) In Palestinian Security Paradox, David Ignatius writes: Security is the magic word. No peace deal will work until the Palestinians are able to provide security that Israelis can trust. But right now, people are paying lip service … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

The beginning of Hamas’ end?

The natives of Gaza are getting very, very tired of Hamas tyranny and brutality. As the mourners sat on a long row of plastic chairs in the alley next to Ibrahim’s home, his father was too distraught to join in … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas | 4 Comments

Philippe who?

There is precious little coverage of what ought to be considered Watergate for the international media, but yesterday brought some dramatic news. After telling the court that he had 27 minutes of video of the conflict near Netzarim junction the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

What I wrote in the NY Times

Before I started blogging. (OK before there were blogs.) I was a letter writer. When I didn’t like what I read in the newspaper I’d write a letter to the editor. Well 10 years (and 2 days) ago, I had … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 4 Comments

What I didn’t read in the NY Times

Taint by Association by Clark Hoyt The bigger question is whether The Times should be publishing him at all. But why would the Times give a spokesman for a terrorist organization a platform to promote Hamas? If he wanted to … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Another puzzled muzzled

It is by accident that I have stumbled on the post Haram for us, Halal for Israel by an Egyptian blogger(ess) Zeinobia. Look in Wiki for haram and halal, but for the purpose the former means “forbidden” and the latter … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Comments Off on Another puzzled muzzled

The Bat Mitzvah Desk Fund

A few people gave me money for my bat mitzvah, and I’ve decided to apply the money towards something I’ve wanted for six years: Real desks for my students. I’ve got about $500 in the fund, since I decided that … Continue reading

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A pleasant surprise

I’m listening to Phillip Glass’ “Metamorphosis” right now, thanks to reader John M. Can’t wait to hear the Galactica soundtrack CD. I’ll have just enough time to listen to both before I have to teach today. Thanks, John. Two early … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 5 Comments

Poverty and terror, again

via memeorandum This is not news, but there’s another academic concluding that terror is not a function of poverty. In this case it is Alan Krueger who explains What makes a terrorist. Claude Berrebi, now of the RAND Corporation’s Institute … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

Terrorist vs. terrorist

Hamas killed seven and wounded 85 in a rally for Yasser Arafat yesterday. Today, they’re making mass arrests. Yeah, that freedom that they promised the Palestinians? Not seeing it yet. Hamas security forces moved swiftly against their Fatah rivals in … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias | Comments Off on Terrorist vs. terrorist

Reading Diehl

Earlier I critiqued Jackson Diehl’s column, “If this peace process fails.” Now, (via Daled Amos) I see that Noah Pollak has critiqued the column from a different perspective. The 2000-2005 terror war was not an outpouring of political or social … Continue reading

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The bomb and Iran

Barry Rubin writes about what is being done and why it needs to be done regarding the Iranian nuclear threat. (or here) What’s being attempted. …it is the last moment for three other things: * If international terms, if diplomatic … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment