Monthly Archives: November 2007

Abbas offers Israel ‘sea of peace’

Thats’ quoting Al-Jazeera: “If peace comes and the occupation comes to an end, Israel will live in a sea of peace,” he said on Tuesday after meeting his Israeli counterpart, Shimon Peres, in the Turkish capital of Ankara. I hope … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | 3 Comments

Palestinians to Israel: Surrender and we’ll have peace

Tagged near the end of an article in the Jerusalem Post detailing Saab Erekat’s insistence that the Palestinians will never recognize Israel as a Jewish state is this interesting poll data: Also according to the poll, 52.9% believe the Israeli-Palestinian … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

Shire Network News is back

SNN is up, and we’ve got Charles Johnson discussing the war that is splitting the conservative blogosphere (and that almost cost us SNN). My contribution this week is about British Muslim groups trying to hijack yet another Jewish issue and … Continue reading

Posted in Podcasts | 3 Comments

The peace inoculation

MK Yuval Steinitz is arguing that the United States should cut its foreign aid to Egypt by (a symbolic) $200 million. Egypt effectively condoned Hamas’s takeover of the Gaza Strip in June 2007, and has since stood by and allowed … Continue reading

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May his memory be erased

On the anniversary of the death of the biggest mass-murderer of Jews since Adolf Hitler, his successor is promising to move Yasser Arafat’s remains to Jerusalem. President Mahmoud Abbas has pledged to continue to work for the transfer of the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 4 Comments

2 initiatives

HonestReporting is trying to increase awareness of the Philippe Karsenty/ France 2 trial. Toward that end they’ve put up a video of Karsenty discussing the unseen footage. However as Fiery Spirited Zionist noted in the comments to my recent post … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Comments Off on 2 initiatives

Israeli scientist honored by UNESCO

From the Jerusalem Post Prof. Ada Yonath, a world-class molecular biologist at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, has been chosen to receive the $100,000 L’Oreal and UNESCO “For Women in Science” Life’s Work Prize – one of only … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments

Attention Zionists at Work !!!

I didn’t grok that Flicker could be used as a ersatz blog: just upload a picture and start carping around it. But here is an unexciting, albeit pitiful, wail from Ben Heine, he of the Iranian Holocaust cartoon competition fame. … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 1 Comment

Haveil Havalim is up

Live it up with Life in Israel who’s hosting Haveil Havalim #140! Read about: Kristallnacht. Rabin and Amir. The fair and balanced media. A blogging (Jewish) rock star. And a scholar reveals what Esav/Esau might have looked like! Plus lots … Continue reading

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The symbol

via memeorandum Richard Landes (Augean Stables) has an excellent essay on at Pajama’s Media Al Dura and the “public secret” Middle East Journalism. This week the judge handing the appeal of the Karsenty-France 2/Enderlin case will see the raw footage … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

The Nazi/Muslim analogy debunked

On the eve of Kristallnacht, the night that is considered the beginning of the Holocaust—the extermination of six million of Europe’s Jews—the Muslims of Britain are evoking the memories of the treatment of Jews by Nazis as a comparison to … Continue reading

Posted in Religion, Terrorism | 7 Comments

On Iraq

Greyhawk on how we won (yes, he uses the past tense) the war in Iraq: How did we win this war? There are complex answers to that question, but there is also a simple one that is true and is … Continue reading

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Breathing space

It’s now a week since my bat mitzvah crunch, and I’m blowing off synagogue tonight and relaxing. I worked all week, so the relaxing has to come about now. Especially since I had company until Monday morning. The other big … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 6 Comments

Giving Hamas advance warning on Gaza

Ehud Barak is giving Hamas and the Palestinians advance warning that the IDF is about to retake the Philadelphi Corridor. Israel has informed PA authorities in Ramallah of its intention to send the IDF into the Gaza Strip in order … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | 6 Comments

The path to peace is the road to ruin

Hamas isn’t even trying to hide its intentions any more. Mahmoud al-Zahar, the former Prime Minister, said straight out that Hamas will take over the West Bank as soon as Israeli forces leave. Imagine then how many rockets will rain … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 1 Comment