Monthly Archives: November 2007

Moral equivalence from the Economist

I know, it’s a shock. But the Economist is talking about religion, and I’ve seen several moral-equivalence raps at Israel. This is the most egregious so far: Many of the most ardent fanatics live far away from the Holy Land. … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time, Religion | 3 Comments

Striking Iran?

James Besser reports that a new Zogby poll shows increasing support for a military strike on Iran. Last week’s poll by Zogby International came as the Bush administration ratchets up both its warlike rhetoric and its sanctions against Teheran and … Continue reading

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Britain and the Jews

Melanie Phillips’ disturbing Britian’s Anti-Semitic turn notes that: And now, in Britain and elsewhere, anti-Semitism has mutated again, its target shifting from culture to creed to race to nation. What anti-Semitism once did to Jews as people, it now does … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments

Rafsanjani the “moderate” – not wanted by Interpol

The mills of international law grind slowly, if they grind at all. Thirteen years after the bombing of the Jewish center in Buenos Aires in which 85 people were killed, Interpol makes its first move. Despite heavy diplomatic pressure from … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Terrorism | 1 Comment

The changing Road Map narrative

The Road Map has been awakened from its moribund state and bandied about a lot lately, particularly in the wire service reports about the upcoming mideast peace conference in Annapolis. For instance, the AP writes: Israel continues to expand many … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, The Exception Clause | 7 Comments

The right was right

Jackson Diehl rings the alarm bells in If this peace process fails. For the next several days, Israel’s talk radio and op-ed pages converged on a single subject — but it was not Olmert’s groundbreaking speech. Instead, the buzz was … Continue reading

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The hell of Israel …

via memeorandum Thousands of Palestinians apply for Israeli citizenship In the months leading up to the upcoming Annapolis peace conference talk of a future division of the city has prompted a staggering increase in nationalization requests by Palestinians seeking to … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

The Gaza operation: Hamas is waiting

Hamas has been training with Iranians, and the battle of Gaza is going to be difficult, dangerous, and bloody. Reserve-duty paratroopers who completed a month of duty in the Gaza Strip last week say that facing militant groups such as … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel | 2 Comments


The caterer for my bat mitzvah made bourekas with a potato filling. I have a lot left over. I’ve been eating it every day since my bat mitzvah. I’m finding I cannot get enough of potato bourekas. It’s not quite … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 9 Comments

Lair Simon’s newest thing

Oh, so this is what Lair’s doing in his spare time. He’s not blogging much, but he’s calling Nardo and leaving instructions. (Language warning: Don’t play these at work without an earpiece.) Click on the speaker to listen to them … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers, Podcasts | 5 Comments

Building confidence

Wizbang’s Jay Tea asks a simple question Can anyone — ANYONE — ever cite a single example where the Palestinians were called upon to make any sort of concession or “good faith gesture” and actually kept it? Just once? It’s … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments

To die in Jerusalem, to lie in Deheishe

I was given a chance, courtesy of Deep Focus, to view the Hilla Medalia HBO documentary To Die in Jerusalem. I don’t even know whether our cable provider carries HBO (I am not much into TV lately) and the kind … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Cooking rice

Given the unlikelihood of any substantial result emerging from the upcoming Annapolis summit David Brooks, in Present at Creation, asks why Secretary Rice would expend such energy in putting the darn thing together. It’s slightly unfortunate that the peace process … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments

My bat mitzvah speech

Note: It’s not the d’var Torah. I didn’t get a chance to do that one. I’d like to write it up and post it at a later date, because I have a lot to say about Chayyei Sarah. This is … Continue reading

Posted in Jews, Life, Religion | 5 Comments

The 10-20-30 virus

Doug‘s tagged me with a meme I’m actually interested in playing along with. Because my 50th birthday is rapidly approaching, and it’s extremely easy for me to remember what I was doing at the ages of 19, 29, and 39. … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 4 Comments