Monthly Archives: November 2007

Jimmy Carter rebuffed by Zonist Lobby American Jewish leaders

In a move worthy of a mention in Walt & Mearsheimer’s next book, nearly all of the major American Jewish leadership told Jimmy Carter to take a hike when he asked to discuss Israel with them. Jimmy Carter’s newest efforts … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 6 Comments

History lessons — forgotten

According the AP (and other news sources) Secretary Rice is appealing to history in her quest for Mideast peace “We view the situation as qualitatively different than it has been, the history moves on, people change roles, situations,” McCormack said. … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 6 Comments

Water, water

Using bacteria, an Israeli company has built a detection system to catch contaminants in the water supply. Tiny phosphorescent bacteria that glow a warning signal when fed polluted water… a protection fence decked out with cameras and alarms to stop … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Bolton in a china shop

Yesterday, Jewish Current Issues reviewed the new book by Ambassador John Bolton, “Surrender is not an option.” Among other things, he summarizes last years negotiations over Resolution 1701 ending the Israel-Hezbollah war He makes it clear it was — to … Continue reading

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Time wonders if Israel is going to attack Hezbollah

Time Magazine wonders if Israel is going to pre-emptively attack Hizbollah. Is Israel laying the ground for preemptive air strikes against targets belonging to the militant Shi’ite group Hizballah in Lebanon? Tensions have been building along the Lebanon-Israel border in … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

The return of the episode summary: Heroes version

Actually, it’s a mini-episode summary. With no real spoilers. [SOMETIME NEXT YEAR] MAMA PETRELLI: Peter, you have to remember! You have to! PETER: Okay. [remembers everything] Mom? Holy cow! Your special ability is guilt! AUDIENCE: Oh, like that’s a superpower? … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 7 Comments

Ignoring Israeli security

To read Rice’s Bridge To Peace by David Ignatius one must conclude that to Dr. Rice (and Ignatius by the approving tone of his column) that Israeli security is negotiable. Well it’s worse than that, it’s not a factor. The … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments

Waiting for …?

The media is on a campaign to whitewash the Iranian nuclear program. Jonathan Landay of the McClatchy newspapers reports Experts: No evidence of Iranian nuclear weapons program. The headline says one thing, but the article says something else. There are … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Syria | Comments Off on Waiting for …?

Virginia and Israel: Perfect together

Richmond, Virginia—my home since 2002—is smart enough to know where the smart money in science is: Richmond is actively recruiting Israeli science and research firms. Like college sports scouts eyeing fresh stars from the sidelines, officials from the Virginia BioTechnology … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments

On adult bat mitzvahs and crankiness

Hm. I’m starting to think the stress was affecting me more than I’d realized. Go check out this post by Elisson, my haftarah tutor. He’s talking about me. Thanks, Elisson. It made me smile. Yeah, I think you were definitely … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers, Religion | 2 Comments

I’m not quite back yet

You know, I’m not really done with recovering from the events of the past month. I didn’t really get much sleep last night. Got a long nap this afternoon, but I’m still pretty tired. Currently reading this article about how … Continue reading

Posted in Life, Linkfests | Comments Off on I’m not quite back yet

Dissident democracy

When it comes to spreading democracy Natan Sharansky has famously called President Bush a “dissident.” There are two distinct marks of a dissident. First, dissidents are fired by ideas and stay true to them no matter the consequences. Second, they … Continue reading

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Haveil Havalim #139 is up!

Haveil Havalim #139 is up at the award winning (OK award nominated) Mother in Israel. Read about Australia invades Be’er Sheva! Where does fair use end and stealing begin (on buses and with CD’s)? Egypt refuses Jewish help! 90 years … Continue reading

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Today, I am a girl

Well, the bat mitzvah part is over. The haftarah was chanted, the services are done, and I ended them surrounded by current, former, and not-quite-mine students. (The last are students who were in the school, but past fourth grade by … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 35 Comments

Anniversary of the Balfour Declaration

Israel Matzav does a great and thorough job discussing the history and importance of the Balfour Declaration from November 2, 1917. The Palestine Post had this to say at the 25th anniversary, during the depths of the Holocaust: Notice how … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments