
Harrison’s blogging again.

Harrison, I can read your blog without having to crack a rib from trying not to laugh out loud now. I work from home four days a week. Not that I read blogs during the time I should be working. I just have to work a little longer if I check out blogs during the daytime.

Huckabee. Hmph. We’re Rudy Guiliani voters in this house. Well, I am. The cats frankly don’t give a damn who gets elected, so long as I keep the food and treats coming.

If you’ve never read Harrison, do yourself a favor and check any of the links under “Harrison’s Crunchy Bits,” and trust me when I tell you not to read them at work if you’re not supposed to be laughing at your desk, or while drinking or eating. Spit-monitor warning is in effect for most of them. (It’s been a while, I think at least one is serious, but I can’t recall.)

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One Response to Woof

  1. Harrison says:

    Thanks for the plug. Congrats on getting to work from home. AHM is workin’ full time in an office which will make regular postin’ tough. We’ll do our best, though.

    Haven’t decided who we’re supportin’ yet. Leanin’ toward Fred, but can’t decide if he’s serious.

    My best to the fe-lyings…

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