Monthly Archives: December 2007

Egypt trying to copyright the Pyramids

The Egyptians are annoyed that people are making money on replicas of pyramids. So they’re trying to copyright the shapes of their monuments. Yeah, that’ll go over well. Egypt might copyright its pharaonic antiquities, from the pyramids to scarab beetles, … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn | 2 Comments

Forward right

One of the lead articles in this week’s Forward is Debate Underscores Orthodox Community’s Rightward Drift. Reporting on a recent debate between Michael Medved and David Luchins, Rebecca Spence reports: The charged debate, attended by some 150 Orthodox convention-goers who … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | 2 Comments

Kassams vs. the IDF

Palestinian Islamic Jihad is missing a few terrorists today, thanks to the IDF. A series of attacks launched by the IDF in Gaza Thursday has claimed the lives of at least eight militants, including Mohammad Abu Murshud, head of Islamic … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas | 1 Comment

Israel allows a gift to Hamas: Armored vehicles

The political leadership, against the advice of the IDF, is allowing the Palestinians to receive 50 armored vehicles from Russia for use in the West Bank. The final barrier—mounting machine guns on them—has been dropped by the Palestinians. No doubt … Continue reading

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Benazir Bhutto: Not quite the angel

Before you make up your mind about whether Benazir Bhutto’s assassination is bad for Pakistan, you might want to read this. I was looking around on some blogs and trying to remember why I never thought very much of Ms. … Continue reading

Posted in Terrorism, World | 9 Comments

As Israel deals for Shalit, the rockets fall on Sderot

How do you reconcile negotiating for the release of a kidnapped soldier on the one hand—with the probability that hundreds of convicted terrorists will go free to terrorize more—with the fact that rockets are raining down daily on Sderot. Nine … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Terrorism | 2 Comments

The Freddy’s Seven

via memeorandum Keith Richburg has a front page report Not Relevant? Sharpton Scoffs at the Idea in yesterday’s Washington Post. Clearly the reporter scoffs too. There’s a sub-head line “Activist’s Busy Calendar and Ringing Phone Speak to His Role in … Continue reading

Posted in Jew Cooties, Media Bias, Politics | Comments Off on The Freddy’s Seven

Who’re you gonna call?

It’s been 3 years since a tsunami devastated large parts of southeast Asia. Since then the Negev Institute for Strategies of Peace and Development (NISPD) has been involved in the rebuilding effort. “When the stage of the immediate disaster relief … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Comments Off on Who’re you gonna call?


Harrison’s blogging again. Harrison, I can read your blog without having to crack a rib from trying not to laugh out loud now. I work from home four days a week. Not that I read blogs during the time I … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers, Cats | 1 Comment

Egypt on border smuggling: Blame the Israel Lobby

The IDF has videotape of Egyptian border guards either turning a blind eye to the smuggling between Egypt and Gaza, or actively aiding and abetting it. The tape has been given to members of the Pentagon. It was not supplied … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israeli Double Standard Time | 2 Comments

Dashing through the snow

Glenn links to an article about police in Wisconsin trying to get kids to wear helmets while sledding. But I don’t think they’re going far enough. I chipped a tooth sledding. I was 13, hit a bump at the bottom … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn | 8 Comments

Freakishly funny post of the day

Michael Jackson’s kid accidentally punched him in the mouth. And his lip fell off. Michael Jackson reportedly underwent emergency surgery after his young son accidentally punched him in the face. The Thriller hitmaker – who has undergone multiple cosmetic surgeries … Continue reading

Posted in Evil Meryl | 2 Comments

Purchasing peace

In 80 years on, massacre victims’ kin reclaims Hebron house, Nadav Shragai reports: Ten months have passed since the settlers entered the three-story building, which covers an area of over 3,000 square meters. The $700,000 to buy the house came … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

“Peaceful” Palestinians nearly murder Israeli in Ramallah

Stories like this happen all of the time. An Israeli gets lost and winds up in an Arab city in the West Bank, and the “peaceful” Palestinians—who only want peace and their own state, side-by-side with Israel—nearly murder him. The … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 5 Comments

Iran away

The largest group – since the time of Shah – of Jews from Iran just arrived in Israel. Ha’aretz reports: A group of 40 new immigrants from Iran touched down at Ben-Gurion International Airport on Tuesday, the largest since the … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | 1 Comment