Monthly Archives: December 2007

Revolving door story

A few weeks ago Caroline Glick reported that Israelis had to enter the conference area through separate entrance. Ms. Glick is now retracting that claim. Of course as Daled Amos who noticed the retraction pointed out: There is plenty to … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Sweeney Todd movie review

I saw Sweeney Todd this afternoon, in a theater that had a decent-sized crowd. I can see why Steven Sondheim gave the movie his blessings. It’s quite good. It has its flaws, but overall, I enjoyed it immensely. Flaw number … Continue reading

Posted in Holidays, Movies | 2 Comments

Cruisin’ for a bruisin’

In his year end assessment of the changes in the Middle East over 2007, “The year of acting dangerously” Barry Rubin observes (among other things) U.S. policy returns to traditional stance. Whatever innovations, for better or worse, President George Bush … Continue reading

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An alien nationalism?

via memeorandum Martin Peretz (or perhaps Josh Patashnik) writes in review of a book “Army of Shadows: Palestinian Collaboration with Zionism, 1917-1948” What we learn about the three decades after General Allenby conquered Jerusalem from the Ottomans was that the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | Comments Off on An alien nationalism?

Marcy Winograd – ripping off the muzzle

Follow some excerpts from a unique manuscript that was intercepted by our agents. Its state was extremely poor – our lab* reported later that it was thoroughly chewed by a dog of indeterminate breed who destroyed more than half of … Continue reading

Posted in Humor, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Comments Off on Marcy Winograd – ripping off the muzzle

Season’s greetings

A merry Christmas to all of my Christian readers. And a happy Festivus to all the Seinfeld fans out there. I will be doing, for the first time in my life, a traditional Jewish Christmas dinner: I’m meeting a bunch … Continue reading

Posted in Holidays | 4 Comments

First let the lawyers kill us all

Daled Amos and JudeoPundit did a fine job of expanding on a little discussed topic. Working off a post in InstaPundit, about a Caroline Glick column describing the effect Israel’s out of control legal establishment affected the war against Hezbollah … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Gaza’s Christians: Living in fear

The AP has noticed that the Muslims in the Gaza Strip have been terrorizing Gaza’s Christians. The International Herald Tribune carries the story with this headline: Gaza’s Christians keep low profile during Christmas after slaying of activist “Activist”? What did … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Media Bias, Religion | 2 Comments

Medvedev candidacy and Russian Black Hundreds

The nomination of Dmitry Medvedev, one of Russia’s two first deputy prime ministers, by the United Russia party (read Putin) as its candidate for the presidential election next March, raised quite a few brows. Quite a non-entity, at least as … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, World | 1 Comment

Kidnapping works: Releasing murderers

Israel is caving on an issue where she has caved before: Olmert is going to allow Palestinian terrorists who were involved in murdering Israelis to be swapped for Gilad Shalit. He is signaling Hamas and Hezbollah that their tactic of … Continue reading

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Sunday night Tig

For a cat whose kidneys are shutting down, Tig had an awfully normal day. He went in and out in the rain, as he usually does, causing extreme fluffiness in the coat after being rubbed down with a towel several … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 7 Comments

Spinning the Hamas truce call

Two days ago, I wrote this: The spin will be that Israel doesn’t want the truce. Toldja so. Olmert Rules Out Truce Talks With Hamas Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Sunday ruled out cease-fire talks with the Gaza Strip’s Islamic … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Hamas, Israel | 2 Comments

Impatience and patience

First it was Sarkozy:“I have reached the end of the road with [Syrian President Bashar] Assad. Words alone won’t suffice, I want actions,” French President Nicolas Sarkozy was quoted as telling reporters Wednesday at the Champs-Élysées in Paris. France has … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Comments Off on Impatience and patience

Everything is Israel’s fault

Really. It’s all Israel’s fault that the gas deal fell through. Palestinian gas project ‘is wrecked by Israel’ An offshore gas project in the Mediterranean, which could have earned desperately needed revenue for the Palestinian economy, is in ruins after … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time | Comments Off on Everything is Israel’s fault

Terrorism works: Sderot residents want out

Proof that Hamas will not stop the rocket fire on Sderot: It’s working. About 64% of Sderot’s residents said they would leave the Qassam-stricken city if given the chance, according to a new poll conducted for Yedioth Ahronoth by the … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas | 1 Comment