Monthly Archives: December 2007

What’s a qassam or two …

Zvi Barel in Ha’aretz Can a military operation succeed where sanctions have failed? This is precisely the moment to remember that the Qassam rockets and arms smuggling via the Philadelphi route tunnels did not start after sanctions were imposed. They … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

On reporting, awarding, exploding

Abby Wisse Schachter delivers a devastating critique of the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz But Haaretz’s ideological crusade is not limited to the editorial or opinion pages. Its editors are only too happy to publish defamatory feature stories as well. On November … Continue reading

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Losing while winning

Israel just released its own version of a national intelligence estimate, it is a post-mortem of last year’s war with Hezbollah. First the good news: It is clear that Hizbollah’s balance statement at the end of the fighting was mixed. … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Syria | 1 Comment

Fish tales at the PA aid conference

“It was a small fish, actually, rather like a guppy.” “No, no, Habibi Blair, it was more like a bluegill.” “Ha, Monsieur Fayyad, it must have been a bass.” “Herr Kouchner, I must disagree it was more like a salmon.” … Continue reading

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Palestinians get a free pass to more billions

Once again, the world has shown that the Palestinians need not uphold a single portion of their end of the Road Map, or any other agreement, for the world to fawn at their feet. The sum total of Palestinian Pledge … Continue reading

Posted in palestinian politics, World | 2 Comments

Beilin the oxymoron

Four years ago Thomas Friedman described outgoing Meretz chairman Yossi Beilin as a fanatical moderate: What I have always admired about Mr. Beilin is that he is a fanatical moderate — as committed to his moderation as the extremists are … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments

Haveil Havalim #145 is UP!

Well Haveil Havalim #145 is UP! Given that it’s the 3rd anniversary edition you might be interested in some past milestones. Here’s what the 1st edition looked like. Here’s the 1st anniversary edition. Here’s the second anniversary edition The categories … Continue reading

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Tel-Aviv Tech

Judy Siegel-Itzkovich reports: Tel Aviv University has hit the jackpot, with three of its scientists included in the list of 50 of the world’s leading innovators in the coming issue of one of the world’s leading science magazines, Scientific American.Prof. … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 2 Comments

The Israeli Intelligence Estimate: No war on the horizon, yet

The Israeli Intelligence Estimate is being previewed by Ynet. Some of the more interesting tidbits: Israel’s strategic position has improved in the last year- but with it also the military capabilities of its enemies: the Qassam threat has worsened- and … Continue reading

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Crude, homemade rockets score three hits in one week

The “crude, homemade rockets” launched by Palestinian terrorists from Gaza nearly every day have wounded three Israelis in three separate incidents this week, including one today that wounded a two-year-old child. A rocket fired by Palestinian terror groups from northern … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics, World | 2 Comments

Hamas to Israel: It’s Jihad time

The Reuters coverage of the Hamas rally is different from the AP coverage in several ways. Reuters uses the Hamas crowd estimate (insert eyeroll here), and puts in far more harsh quotes than the AP editors. The lede also more … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 8 Comments

Hamas to Israel: We will destroy you

Hamas celebrated its twentieth anniversary by assuring Israel that Hamas will never, ever recognize the Jewish State, and also, Hamas will never stop trying to destroy it. Large pictures of Hamas leaders, both in Gaza and in exile, were draped … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Hamas | 4 Comments

The very last Hanukkah menorah of the season

I know it’s after the holiday, but I found a new menorah picture that I thought you’d get a kick out of.

Posted in Holidays, Humor, Politics | 2 Comments

Syria and Iran: 2gether 4ever

Syria and Iran are going to stay bestest buddies like, forever! Syrian President Bashar Assad rejected claims that Syria’s alliance with Iran had been weakened by Damascus’ participation in last month’s US-sponsored Mideast peace conference, saying Thursday that the two … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Syria | 2 Comments

Hamas to Iran and Syria: Let us kill more Jews

Hamas is asking its Iranian masters for permission to kill more Jews. Hamas has asked Iran to allow the organization to escalate its altercations with Israel, carry out more suicide attacks and if need be – threaten kidnapped IDF soldier … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Syria | 3 Comments