Monthly Archives: December 2007

Ehud Barak says…

According to an article from JP: A large-scale operation in the Gaza Strip has dropped to the back burner in recent days after an assessment within the defense establishment found that the daily border raids the IDF has been conducting … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Politics | 1 Comment

A Hanukkah sermon

This sermon was written by Rabbi I.B. Koller, Rabbi Emeritus of Congregation B’nai Israel, Charleston, W.Va., and Rabbi Victor H. Urecki of B’nai Jacob Synagogue in Charleston, W. Va. I’ve been given permission to reprint their sermon. I think it’s … Continue reading

Posted in Holidays, Jews, Religion | 9 Comments

Eight Video Nights of Chanukah: Eighth night

The original, the one, the only: Adam Sandler and The Chanukah Song, straight from SNL.

Posted in Holidays, Music, Religion | 1 Comment

The long Palestinian money trail

Boker Tov Boulder (as noted by Jewish Current Issues, Noah Pollak at the Corner, Mere Rhetoric and Daled Amos) collected a series of news items documenting what has been pledged to the PA over the past 3 years. It’s quite … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | 1 Comment

The Israel-is-stealing-Christmas story season is upon us

Yes, Virginia, there is an anti-Israel bias, and this is the time of year that it becomes the most virulent. Let us take note of two amazing events in the beginning of the “Israel would make the Baby Jesus cry” … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias | 1 Comment

Haveil Havalim #144 is UP!

I was traveling yesterday so I forgot to post that Haveil Havalim #144 (the Jewish/Israel blogging carnival) is UP at Jack’s Shack of Pancakes Latkes. If you have a post that is about Judaism or Israel feel free to submit … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Linkfests | Comments Off on Haveil Havalim #144 is UP!

Eight Video Nights of Hanukkah: Seventh night

This one was submitted by Sarah. And now, in place of the lame Flash embed from Albino Blacksheep, Sarah found this rockin’ Chanukah video by a group that I would have rocked to during the 70s. Whoa. I’m sensing a … Continue reading

Posted in Holidays, Music, Religion | 4 Comments

Shas and the Saudis agree

Max Boot: What particularly concerns Gulf Arabs is the possibility that Iran could go nuclear–a concern unlikely to be erased by the ambiguous findings of the new NIE. While this NIE claims that Iran stopped its nuclear-weapons program in 2003 … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Comments Off on Shas and the Saudis agree

Pushing sexist good artwork for a friend

Chris Muir has been a friend for some time, and I love his Day By Day comic strip. He’s selling a Sam calendar, and, well, the feminist in me is standing on one shoulder screaming “SEXIST!” while on the other … Continue reading

Posted in Pop Culture | 6 Comments

The news

For some reason, there’s little I want to write about today. I have nothing to say about the Colorado church shootings, except to express my horror and shock. The fact that the church had an armed guard probably saved many … Continue reading

Posted in Guns | 3 Comments

Sunday kittyblogging

When you run out of things to say, put up cat pictures, is my motto. Okay, well, it isn’t really, but it works for me. First, Gracie in the new kitty condo. She is, of course, her usual dignified (slightly … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 5 Comments

Eight Video Nights of Hanukkah: Sixth night

Reader chsw gave me this one, which started the trend of Chanukah/Hanukkah videos. It’s a Tom Lehrer cover with a little topping of South Park at the end.

Posted in Holidays, Music, Religion | 2 Comments

More Chanukah videos

Another one from Sabba Hillel, with some pretty great video.

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2007: Now, with fewer Menorah vandalizations, but more anti-Semitism

Apparently, Jews are off the hit list this year. I couldn’t find many menorah-vandalizing stories at all this year. The Stony Point town hall menorah was vandalized, but that’s about all. Of course, there was the run-of-the-mill anti-Semitic vandalization of … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | 4 Comments

Eight Video Nights of Hanukkah: Fifth night

This one’s audio only, but so worth it. Melvin and the Chipmunks sing a Chanukah song.

Posted in Holidays, Music, Religion | 2 Comments