Monthly Archives: December 2007

Syrians preventing Internet cooties

The Syrians are making sure their kids don’t get Jew cooties. They’re blocking Facebook. Syrian authorities have blocked Facebook, the popular Internet hangout, over what seems to be fears of Israeli “infiltration” of Syrian social networks on the Net, according … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Jew Cooties, Syria | 7 Comments

Palestinians really do cut off their noses to spite their faces

Let’s do a little reading between the lines here. The AP has a three-hanky story on how the mean ol’ Israelis are shutting off the Gaza fuel supply, just because Hamas is allowing terrorists to fire over 2000 rockets into … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Media Bias | 6 Comments

More Hanukkah videos

Sabba Hillel has sent a few more Chanukah videos. Here’s one that holds a more spiritual bent, yet still has a beat you can dance to:

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Eight Video Nights of Chanukah: Fourth night

A very pretty songfest by a choir in Edwardian dress singing a Chanukah medley (all two songs) plus Shalom Aleichem. Go figure.

Posted in Holidays, Music, Religion | 2 Comments

Not helpful

I love this. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon slammed on Thursday Israel’s plan to build more than 300 new homes in an East Jerusalem neighborhood.”This new tender for 300 new homes in eastern Jerusalem, so soon after the Annapolis Middle … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time | 3 Comments

Syria puts on the big boy pants

A Syrian legislator has decided to give us all something to giggle about. Syrian MP Dr. Muhammad Habash warned Israel not to attack his country in an interview with the Israeli-Arab news paper Ma’a al-Hadat published on Thursday saying Israel’s … Continue reading

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The last Nazis

As they get older the chances that old Nazi war criminals will escape earthly justice increase. The Simon Wiesenthal center is making efforts to find some of the surviving few to bring them to justice, especially in South America. In … Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust, Israel | 1 Comment

Eight Video Nights of Hanukkah: Third night

Okay, I really can’t stand Bon Jovi, but I know a lot of you out there do. So here’s his version of the Adam Sandler Chanukah song. Yes, really.

Posted in Holidays, Music, Religion | 3 Comments

Making NIE

In his column yesterday, The myth of the mad mullahs, David Ignatius, in his typically smug fashion, goes over what the American intelligence agencies did differently to arrive at their new conclusion about the Iranian nuclear program. The secret intelligence … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 6 Comments

Stupid Italian politician of the day

So you’re a member of a right-wing, anti-immigration party in Italy, and you’re talking about crimes committed by immigrants. How best to get your point across? Here’s a hint: It’s not by suggesting Italy use Nazi tactics against immigrants to … Continue reading

Posted in World | 1 Comment

Gaza operation a matter of time, says Barak

It’s been all over the AP since yesterday. Ehud Barak says he’s ready to go into Gaza in force and clean out the nests of terrorists. But make no mistake, this is going to be a difficult operation. Hamas terrorists … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel | 2 Comments

Eight Video Nights of Chanukah: Second night

My Menorah: This one is going to sound really familiar to all you old fans of The Knack. (I wasn’t one of them.)

Posted in Holidays, Music, Religion | 1 Comment

National Idiots Estimate

So the people responsible for making sure that America is protected from her enemies, foreign and domestic, are now saying that the Iranians stopped their nuclear weapons program in 2003. I’ve got a question: Why the hell should we believe … Continue reading

Posted in Cats, Juvenile Scorn | 5 Comments

The peaceful people of Gaza: 2000 rockets in 2007

The peaceful people of Gaza, who got what they wanted two years ago—all “settlers” out of Gaza, Palestinian self-rule, and Israeli soldiers out of the Gaza Strip—have fired over 2,000 rockets into Israel in 2007. We can make it a … Continue reading

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Chavistas try to terrorize Jews; Jews vote “NO!”

Looks like Hugo Chavez’s attempt to terrorize Jews into staying home and not voting against him didn’t work. A few hours before the polls opened in Venezuela on Sunday morning, federal police raided the main Jewish social club here, La … Continue reading

Posted in Jews, World | 6 Comments