Insecure security

I wondered how secure the President’s security detail felt with the Palestinain police and who knows how many other “security” organizations in charge of making Ramallah safe. (Shira bat Sarah wondered too.)

Well apparently, the Secret Service felt that the Palestinians needed some help.

US snipers will take up positions on rooftops and local traffic will be barred from some downtown districts as part of unprecedented security precautions during US President George W. Bush’s visit this week, Palestinian security officials said Tuesday. 

Bush is expected to travel to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ Ramallah headquarters, known in Arabic as the muqaata, by helicopter on Thursday.


Apparently not even a number of show arrests alleviated American anxiety over the state of Palestinian security.

Nine top Fatah gunmen from Nablus on Tuesday surrendered their weapons to the Palestinian Authority security forces out of fear of being targeted by Israel.


And it is the PA security forces that Israel will once again be asked to trust its own security to, even though they can’t even secure a single building in advance of the President’s visit.

Crossposted on Soccer Dad.

About Soccerdad

I'm a government bureaucrat with delusions of literacy.
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