Peace now, democracy when?

Peace Now head: Barak should stay in gov’t to protect peace process

Labor should not quit the coalition following the publication of the Winograd report Wednesday, because such a move would endanger the peace process with the Palestinians, Peace Now Director-General Yariv Oppenheimer said Tuesday.

State approves W. Bank radio station

Gush Shalom spokesman Adam Keller said that Radiosh violated the specifically non-political character of state-licensed commercial radio.”This station will broadcast messages in favor of settlement, and that’s a radical departure from the state policy for regional radio stations. If licenses are being given by the state to the extreme Right for the creation of political radio stations, then the Left should get a license, too.”

Peace Now spokesman Yariv Oppenheimer agreed with Gush Shalom’s position that the creation of Radiosh was illegal, because the station would advance an inherently political agenda and added that Peace Now backed the petition.

Nice to know that Peace Now, in the service of foreign governments favors creating (what will be) a non-democratic state, but favors restricting freedoms in Israel.

Crossposted on Yourish.

About Soccerdad

I'm a government bureaucrat with delusions of literacy.
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