Israel through a post, snarkly

Nabbing a rat: The IDF got a major PIJ POS in Bethlehem. That would be the town that the world’s anti-Israel crew gets so up in arms about every Christmas. Funny, I don’t think they’re going to be all upset that this terrorist leader was operating out of Jesus’ birthplace.

Palestinians get shown the love: Egyptian Bedouins are firing at Gaza Palestinians to scare them back into Gaza.

Armed Egyptian Bedouins opened fire in the air to warn away Palestinians, highlighting growing anger over food shortages and price rises triggered by the breaching of the border wall with Gaza, witnesses said.

Israel’s Fifth Column to attend terrorist funeral: Arab members of the Knesset will attend the funeral of terrorist George Habash, Palestinian POS who died of natural causes instead of via an injection of several pounds of metal traveling at high velocity. Habash is responsible for, among other horrific acts, the Lod Massacre.

Iran’s running scared: In spite of have received hundreds of tons of nuclear fuel from Russia to speed the implementation of their nuclear weapons program nuclear power plant, Iran foreign minister said “Nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah” to Israel’s successful test of a nuclear-capable ballistic missile.

“Israel is too weak to confront Iran. The leaders of this illegitimate fake regime know well would happen in the region in response to an attack (against us),” Iran’s Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said on Monday in response to a successful Israeli ballistic missile test.

In a press conference in Tehran, Mottaki said that “If Israel’s nuclear missile warheads could have helped, she would have won the (Second) Lebanon War.”

Coming next from the Iranian FM: I’m rubber, you’re glue.

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3 Responses to Israel through a post, snarkly

  1. chsw says:

    May Habash roast in hell for eternity.


  2. Sabba Hillel says:

    Actually the Bedouins are beig kind. Had the refugees been Jooos they would not have fired into the air to scare them.

  3. Bob says:

    Or rather after Israel hits Tehran, the Iranian response would be more like “I’m Rubble, you’re nukes…”

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