Monthly Archives: January 2008

Gaza – it doesn’t take a prophet

And I am definitely not one, since it was only too easy to predict the next step in the Hamas’ propaganda war, which I said in that post will be: Gazans of all ages and genders dying in droves in … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 2 Comments

Deterrence works

Last week, Hamas launched over 130 rockets into southern Israel. In response, the IDF took out rocket squads, destroyed a Hamas building, and closed off Gaza. In spite of the propaganda coming out of Hamas, and being passed on through … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel | 1 Comment

Haveil Havalim #150 (and #149) is UP!

Haveil Havalim #150 is UP! Here are this week’s topics. Post of the Week Israel Judaism Politics Abuse of Power History Antisemitism Personal Torah Phoning it in Humor And I forgot to post last week that Haveil Havalim #149 is … Continue reading

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Shire Network News: New year, new podcast, new contributors

We have a great year planned at SNN. If you haven’t been listening yet, well, it’s time. Podcast is securing our borders We’re back and this week’s interview guest is California-based filmmaker, Chris Burgard, whose documentary about the situation on … Continue reading

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Nasrallah’s greatest secret

After year and a half of hiding, Nasrallah the Lebanese groundhog emerged from his bunker. Triumphantly too, and with good reason. It is not for nothing that he spent the time in seclusion, it appears, and all rumors about his … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon, Terrorism | 3 Comments

Until the dust settles

Sderot: beseiged and abandoned The situation in Sderot as it looks to Seth Freedman. Quite precise. Then he comes to the whattodo part: Evacuating them to safety, whatever the cost, is the least they deserve until the dust settles. Then … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Terrorism | 6 Comments

Posting will be light today

Busy, busy, busy. New podcast coming tomorrow or Monday.

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A real mensch

Carry this story with you for Shabbat. It made me smile. A Jewish man who had no wife, no children, no family, and almost no connection to Judaism but his birth, left his fortune to Israel, and he is helping … Continue reading

Posted in Jews | 7 Comments

Bobby Fischer square up

via memeorandum Chess champion Bobby Fischer died Bobby Fischer, the reclusive chess genius who became a Cold War hero by dethroning the Soviet world champion in 1972 and later renounced his American citizenship, has died. He was 64. I first … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Jews, Pop Culture | 2 Comments

Today’s Sderot forecast: 100% chance it’s raining missiles

Twenty-eight Thirty more missiles rained down on southern Israel from the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian territory that Israel withdrew from in 2005 in the hopes of creating a more peaceful existence with the Palestinians. Funny how that didn’t work. The … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Media Bias | 1 Comment

Feckless in the forward

I read the editorial “Reckless in Gaza” in today’s Forward with a growing sense of disbelief. Then I reached this paragraph. Now, however, the whole deal may be off, including Shalit’s freedom. Among the dead in the Gaza incursion was … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time | 4 Comments

The AP reads my blog, part 2

The AP reads my blog. They’re getting closer and closer to admitting that the rocket barrage of Sderot actually causes problems for the residents. Gaza militants, led by Hamas, fired dozens of rockets and mortars at Israeli towns, causing no … Continue reading

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Closing Gaza

Ehud Barak has ordered the complete closure of the Gaza crossings—at least, the ones controlled by Israel. I’m quite sure that Egypt will do whatever it wants. At present time only authorized personnel and goods are allowed through the crossings, … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | Comments Off on Closing Gaza

Finally, something good on TV: More Terminator fun

The Sarah Connor Chronicles started last week. I forgot. Thankfully, Fox has the pilot and current episode available for free. Click on the down arrow below the screen for the pilot episode, and then the plus sign to enlarge the … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 3 Comments

More proof of Torah

Archeologists made another significant find in the City of David (literally and figuratively). A stone seal bearing the name of one of the families who acted as servants in the First Temple and then returned to Jerusalem after being exiled … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Religion | 3 Comments