Monthly Archives: January 2008

Hard at work

Sorry for the absence today, but I was at Company in Northern VA, training on a program that I now have to document. Busy day yesterday, busy day today, and a two-hour drive both times. Well, a shorter drive back … Continue reading

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4 + 1 on President Bush in the Middle East

Bush’s last year: The best, one hopes, is yet to come by Barry Rubin The gap between the real Middle East and how it is perceived by all too many people in Washington and in the academic-journalistic elite is far … Continue reading

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No gaza = more terror

I generally like Max Boot. (In fact I even have relatives who like reading him.)However his take on the withdrawal from Gaza, More on the decline of Terror is mistaken for a number of reasons. Boot writes: I wrote in … Continue reading

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That political money

This was one surprising message: An Israeli Arab anti-Zionist group is calling for the boycott of Jewish agencies looking to contribute to Israeli Arab communities in Israel. The agencies, united under the rubric of the Inter-Agency Task Force on Israeli … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Comments Off on That political money

Insecure security

I wondered how secure the President’s security detail felt with the Palestinain police and who knows how many other “security” organizations in charge of making Ramallah safe. (Shira bat Sarah wondered too.) Well apparently, the Secret Service felt that the … Continue reading

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Well intentioned damage

At the end of 1998, then-President Clinton visited Gaza to oversee the fictional revocation of the clauses in the Palestinian Charter that call for the destruction of Israel. It’s not surprising that on the eve of President Bush’s to the … Continue reading

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Psst, buddy want a tip

Israel’s economic classification is due to change this year and is expected to be included as a developed market rather than an emerging market. Times Online writes: “British investors have tended to ignore Israel, but its stock market will be … Continue reading

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Al-Qaeda cash problem

Al-Qaeda finances seem to be in disarray, according to this: Al-Qaida video messages of Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahri can now be downloaded to cell phones, the terror network announced as part of its attempts to extend its influence. … Continue reading

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Way to go, UNIFIL! Hezbollah is even stronger than before

Thanks, UN! Thanks, EU! Thanks, America! Thanks, Olmert! All of you together have managed to make a deadly army of terrorists even more deadly than they were before. Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Monday that Hizbullah has improved its capabilities … Continue reading

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Muslim ERA watch: Female terrorist version

Looks like Hamas is all about equality for women, so long as they’re carrying out terrorist attacks. Two armed Palestinians were shot and killed by IDF soldiers Monday after they approached an army post near the Erez crossing in the … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, Gaza | 4 Comments

Think tanks

Following on Backspin’s recent listing of the 18 Most Asked About Israeli Sites let’s go over some of the best pro-Israel think tanks out there. (Before I get to the think tanks, here’s one more Israeli government site that’s probably … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Rabbi search

Calling all Conservative Jewish readers: My congregation is going to be conducting a rabbi search over the next few months, and I may need some input and assistance from various readers around the country. If you would email me or … Continue reading

Posted in Religion | 2 Comments

Day by Day pledge drive

I rarely send you folks over to give people money, but Chris Muir, the creator, writer, and artist who gives us one of the best comic strips since Bloom County (and one of quite the opposite politics, for the most … Continue reading

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Some myths and facts about Israel

Israel Matzav has a nice roundup of links demonstrating the Palestinian culpability in their own misfortune in 1948. (See also the American Thinker. Both via memeorandum.)For a relevant article see Benny Morris’s Reign of Error by Efraim Karsh. Dennis Mansfield … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 1 Comment

Iranians threatening U.S. ships

Looks like the Iranians put on their big boy pants again. In what is being called a serious provocation, Iranian Revolutionary Guard boats harassed and provoked three U.S. Navy ships in the strategic Strait of Hormuz, officials said Monday. U.S. … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | 9 Comments