Heroes and murderers

The hero of yesterday’s suicide attack was definitely Chief Inspector Kobi Mor.

“When I arrived at the area, one of the people told me that there was a terrorist there who was still alive. I pulled out my gun and saw him reaching towards the explosive belt. I fired at the terrorist, along with another sapper who fired at him.

“The terrorist’s hand dropped and began twitching. I thought he was dying, but two minutes later he raised his hand again. I went into a kneeling position and fired four more shots at his head.”

Senior police commanders who arrived at the scene of the attack praised the police officer’s actions, which they said prevented a more serious attack.

Mor is an officer in the new Magen unit that has been tasked with combating the drug trade between Israel and Egypt. He received a report from a unit intelligence officer about the attack in Dimona: “I made a U-turn and headed towards Dimona. I called all teams from the unit to the town of Dimona.

Israeli TV showed video of the discovery and shooting of the second bomber, but this is the most I can find. There’s nothing gruesome or violent, and they stopped the tape and put in a still of Inspector Mor shooting instead of showing the terrorist reacting to having his body filled with lead, instead of his victims.

Hero. The word was made for people like Kobi Mor. The death toll would have been far higher if not for him. The terrorist was surrounded by paramedics, police officers, and soldiers.

They promoted Kor almost on the spot.

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3 Responses to Heroes and murderers

  1. Alex Bensky says:

    The first suicide bombing in a year? Gosh, you’d think they’d built a wall around the country or something.

    And, Meryl, you may laud Chief Inspector Mor but those of us of more nuanced views understand that his shooting only contributes to the cycle of violence that besets this war-torn land. He should have negotiated with the terrorist and tried to respond to his grievances.

    That would have been the progressive path…more dead Jews that way but what the hell, what’s new there?

  2. John M. says:

    The thing that kills me about this incident is that my local paper ran a picture of the greiving mother of the BOMBER. Not the victim. No media bias here, nooooo.

  3. Eric J says:

    Another hero of the day – the bomb-disposal robot.

    (I haven’t looked at the comments on this post, but given the general tenor of the site, I suggest avoiding them.)

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