Saudis to execute woman for witchcraft

Now there’s a modern state for you. The Saudis are going to kill an illiterate woman for, among other things, causing a man’s impotence.

A leading human rights group appealed to Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah on Thursday to stop the execution of a woman accused of witchcraft and performing supernatural acts.

The New York-based Human Rights Watch said in a statement that the kingdom’s religious police who arrested and interrogated Fawza Falih, and the judges who tried her in the northern town of Quraiyat never gave her the opportunity to prove her innocence in the face of “absurd charges that have no basis in law.”

[…] Falih later retracted her confession in court, claiming it was extracted under duress, and said that as an illiterate woman, she did not understand the document she was forced to fingerprint.

[…] The Saudi court cited an instance in which a man allegedly became impotent after being bewitched by Falih, the rights group said.

Yes, and she caused their pets to die, their hair to fall out, and their crops to fail. We have witnesses.

Did I say the Saudis were fast entering the eighteenth century? Sorry, but it’s still the seventeenth century in that kingdom of backwards, Jew-hating misogynists.

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8 Responses to Saudis to execute woman for witchcraft

  1. Eric J says:

    Well, to be fair, she does weigh the same as a duck..

  2. Rahel says:

    What a horrible place. Why anyone would ever go to Saudi Arabia of their own choice is beyond me. (Yes, I know that plenty of people go there for work reasons. Still…)

  3. If my employer forced me to go there, I’d quit first.

    Something about not wanting to enter a country where I’d be shot in the airport by Customs for being a Jew.

  4. John M. says:

    That’s insane. Even I didn’t think Saudi justice could be THAT arbitrary.

  5. Alex Bensky says:

    kThe question, Eric, is: does she float?

  6. Elisson says:

    Seventeenth century? More like the seventh.

    Think about it. To catch up to the current Christian level of moral and religious evolution, they need another 750 years…and they’re about 3000 years behind the Jews. Which explains a lot of the hatred.

  7. Rahel says:

    Wait a second. She made their pets die? I thought pets were illegal in Saudi Arabia. So she did the government a vital service! She should get a medal, not a death sentence!


  8. Jack says:

    We need to come up with a viable alternative to oil so that we can stop paying these yahoos to engage in all of their nonsense.

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