Monthly Archives: February 2008

The news the mainstream media won’t give you

A ten-year-old boy nearly lost his arm in a kassam rocket attack yesterday. A mother and one-year-old infant were also hurt. Bet you didn’t know either of these facts. Because the wire services choose not to highlight Israeli casualties of … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Media Bias | 5 Comments

Find the adjectives

We all know that in journalism it is the job of the reporter to answer 5 W’s – Who, what, where, when, and why. Usually some combination of nouns and verbs – with perhaps some articles, adverbs and prepositions – … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | 2 Comments

Shire Network News is up

Shire Network News features the second part of Tom Paine’s interview with Ezra Levant, the Canadian Human Rights Commission gadfly who is now going to really have his day in court (check out his latest post, and the newest lawsuit … Continue reading

Posted in Podcasts | 1 Comment

Into the breach again?

Before the Hajj started, Elder of Ziyon noted: Now, Palestine Press Agency reports that Hamas is planning to embarrass Egypt into opening Rafah by demolishing the wall near the crossing and forcing Egypt to directly stop the pilgrims from going … Continue reading

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Protecting Sderot and the murky waters of politics

Dr. Reuven Pedatzur, a person whose opinion one should certainly respect in all matters military, writes in Haaretz on the amazing discovery: the much touted Iron Dome anti-rocket system will not be able to protect Sderot from the Qassams. He … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 7 Comments

Hamas threatens to kidnap more soldiers

Hamas isn’t getting the results they wanted after they kidnapped Gilad Shalit. So they’re going to kidnap more soldiers until Israel gives them what they want. Hamas will abduct more IDF soldiers if Israel does not answer its demands for … Continue reading

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For Star Trek geeks

If you’re really geeky, all episodes of the original Star Trek series are available for download at CBS. (h/t Crossing the Rubicon3)BTW, why is this on CBS and not NBC, as you might recall. Mr. Spock: Here is the readout, … Continue reading

Posted in Movies, Pop Culture, Television | 1 Comment

Hamas may try to breach Israel’s border

There’s going to be a demonstration in Gaza tomorrow. And under cover of that demonstration, Hamas may try to use the weapons it smuggled through the downed Rafah border fence—against Israel. Palestinian officials on Sunday announced that they intend to … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas | 1 Comment

There is no peace with terror

Ynet has the latest excuse the terrorists are using to launch rockets at southern Israel: They’re not just in response to Israeli “crimes.” They’re also a response to the Danish Mohammed cartoons. The Salah al-Din Brigades, the Popular Resistance Committees’ … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Terrorism | Comments Off on There is no peace with terror

Non-violence in gaza

In Gaza’s Culture of Self-Destruction Yael Kaynan writes (via memeorandum): The people in Gaza need to stop and take a good look at the culture and society that they are creating and begin to think hard about how they might … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Comments Off on Non-violence in gaza

About that two-state solution

Judeopundit, observed an under-noticed story in the New York Times the other day, Arab Leaders Say the Two-State Proposal Is in Peril. In the Perils to Two-State Pauline, by way of introduction he provides some background, in fine factious fashion: … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Comments Off on About that two-state solution

What the AP and Reuters won’t tell you about Hezbollah

The AP practically wrote a Hezbollah press release about Nasrallah’s speech the other day. Reuters was right behind them, eagerly advancing the “Israel will get it now!” theme that the terrorists who are going to “avenge” the killing of Imad … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Lebanon, Media Bias | Comments Off on What the AP and Reuters won’t tell you about Hezbollah

Israelis to terrorists: We’re not going anywhere

Thousands of Israelis gathered in Sderot earlier today to do their Shabbat shopping. A motorcade of several hundred cars arrived in Sderot on Friday morning carrying thousands of people from across Israel who came to do their Shabbat shopping in … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

Cognitive dissonance

Three headlines: Peres: Muslims not our enemies Ahmadinejad: If we remain quiet, Zionists will act against us Nasrallah: Israel’s disappearance an established fact One conclusion: Muslims are not Israel’s enemies, but most of Israel’s enemies are Muslim. And speaking of … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Lebanon | 5 Comments

Encouraging Hamas: EU cause and effect

The European Union is encouraging rocket attacks on Israel. How? By emphasizing Israel’s actions taken in self-defense, and minimizing the acts that cause them. The EU passed a a resolution that effectively blames Israel for closing Gaza without really attaching … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israeli Double Standard Time, World | Comments Off on Encouraging Hamas: EU cause and effect