Monthly Archives: February 2008

Containing the Iran/Syria axis

Der Spiegel reports that Iran will soon have enough enriched uranium for a nuclear bomb. How soon? Hot Air answers: Even if they’re exaggerating, though, EU computer models of the enrichment facility at Natanz show that if Iran’s figured out … Continue reading

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Craving apartheid

LGF links to an exchange between the Israel and Saudi ambassadors in columns in Canada’s National Post.Without seeing the response, I would think that Israeli ambassador Alan Baker won with this paragraph: Complete freedom of religion for all is strictly … Continue reading

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Nasrallah’s speech – a side remark

From the last videotaped speech by the Lebanese “liberator”: Like all human beings we have a sacred right to defend ourselves. But isn’t hiding a year and a half in a bunker taking that sacred right a bit too far? … Continue reading

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Chutzpah, Chinese style

China,the nation that launched a satellite-killer last year, is demanding that the U.S. release data from yesterday’s successful satellite kill. China called on the US to release data on the shooting down of an ailing spy satellite, while the Communist … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn, World | 7 Comments

It blowed up real good

The U.S. Navy shot down the dying satellite. And they said it couldn’t be done! Pentagon officials said they think a Navy missile scored a direct hit on the fuel tank of an errant spy satellite late Wednesday, eliminating a … Continue reading

Posted in Miscellaneous | 5 Comments

Another day, another Iranian death threat

Yet another Iranian official says once again that Israel will be destroyed. International reaction? Yawns. Iranian Parliament Speaker Gholam Hadad has warned that the “countdown to Israel’s destruction has begun,” in an interview published Thursday in an Iranian newspaper. […] … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, World | 1 Comment

Guardian revelations: a boil that erupted

Irene Lancaster, a person and a blogger I respect very much, posted an article under a headline Has The Guardian made history? An article sympathetic to Israel on Comment is Free. My comment to it (something happened with the comment … Continue reading

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More Mughniyeh fallout

Unlike the fanciful account in the Times of London, AP has an interesting view of what it would have taken to kill Imad Mughniyeh, provided by an ex-Mossad agent who saw the results of Mughniyeh’s work first hand.Although Israel and … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Syria | 1 Comment

Green flags

This is the funeral of Shadi Zghayer and Mohammed Herbawi the two terrorists who launched an attack in Dimona two weeks ago. Israel returned their bodies to their families in Hebron for burial. (Despite my suspicions at the time, they … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Terrorism | Comments Off on Green flags

Significant microbe

A number of bloggers have noted that Iran’s President Ahmadinejad’s latest rhetorical attacks on Israel.Steven Peter Rosen wonders if the change in terminology is a harbinger of something more sinister. (via memeorandum) Some streams of discourse are chronically laden with … Continue reading

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Confirming the kill

I wrote yesterday about the importance in many situations of killing a terrorist who might still present a threat. It reminded me of an incident in the Old City of Jerusalem a few months ago. The New York Times reported … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Christian missionaries arrested in Jordan

Say, you know that enlightened, “moderate” state next to Israel? The one that everyone says is so cool with the West? The one that keeps refusing to change the laws about honor killings and declares Islam to be its state … Continue reading

Posted in Religion | 9 Comments

The modern-day Hitler speaks again

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is channeling Hitler. Think I’m exaggerating? Let’s compare and contrast. Ahmadinejad: “World powers have created a dirty microbe, called the Zionist regime, which they have unleashed on the region’s nations,” said Ahmadinejad in his speech, which was broadcast … Continue reading

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More mor

I’d like to remind you something Seraphic Secret wrote (in the comments) in the aftermath of Dimona bombing and the actions of the heroic policeman, Kobi Mor. A head shot to a terrorist trying to self-detonate is an amazing accomplishment. … Continue reading

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Where credit is due

Henry Kissinger was interviewed by Der Spiegel (and helpfully excerpted by Ocean Guy) SPIEGEL: Isn’t German and European opposition to a greater military involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq also a result of deep distrust of American power? Kissinger: By this … Continue reading

Posted in Media Bias, Politics | 6 Comments