Monthly Archives: February 2008

Tell me who your friends are…

I am not into American elections scene at all, catching only some ricochets from the friendly bloggers. So, following this tradition, a recent post by Ami Isseroff: I can feel in my heart much better than I can explain, the … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | 2 Comments

Where in the world is Meryl?

If you’re wondering why Soccer Dad seems to be the heart and soul of this blog these days, it’s because I still have The Plague That Struck Richmond. Apparently, there’s a Round Two. That means, you get better, and then … Continue reading

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Beyond mainstream

In this past week’s Baltimore Jewish Times, Dr. Robert O. Freedman analyzed the chances of peace “Beyond Winograd.” The primary alternative to Olmert, former Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, is likely to freeze the peace process by not permitting further Israeli … Continue reading

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My co-blogger Judeopundit takes Israeli journalist Ronen Bergman to task for his argument that Israel hitting Imad Mughniyah was likely counterproductive in “Bracing for revenge.” In two sentences he neatly disposes of Mr. Bergman’s argument: Obviously terrorist groups are capable … Continue reading

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Haveil Havalim #154 is UP!

Esser Agaroth puts a lot more than 2 cents worth of effort into this week’s Haveil Havalim #154, the Jewish/Israel blogging carnival. Check it out! (I was surprised to learn that Esser Agaroth is a waffler!)

Posted in Israel, Jews, Linkfests | 1 Comment

Sieg Heil

LGF noticed something about the Hezbollah salute. (via memeorandum) It’s Almost Supernatural noticed the same thing about “Palestinian Security Forces” and the “Fatah militia.” Elder of Ziyon noticed it about “supporters of the Fatah movement” Hezbollah’s 10 year old recruits … Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Terrorism | 2 Comments

The latest SNN

The newest Shire Network News is up, with an interview by Ezra Levant, the man being persecuted by Canada’s thought police.

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What if it were palestine?

Three years ago I mocked a New York Times editorial that demanded that Kosovo show that it deserves its independence. I don’t know that Kosovo has demonstrated its worthiness or not. The Palestinian Authority – whether the Hamas section or … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Politics, World | 2 Comments

Status quo ante

Elaine Sciolino reported late last week, By Making Holocaust Personal to Pupils, Sarkozy Stirs Anger (Somehow the Times makes a stand on principle seem like a bad thing.) President Nicolas Sarkozy dropped an intellectual bombshell this week, surprising the nation … Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust, Israel, Politics | 1 Comment

Anti-terror fantasies

Did Israel do it?Who knows? Uzi Mahnaimi claims to know. Uzi Mahnaimi claims to know lots of things, not all of them are true. Mr. Mahnaimi is one of three reporters credited with “Israel kills terror chief with a headrest … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Syria, Terrorism | 6 Comments

Happy kitty story of the day

It’s time for a happy kitty story. One that makes you go, “Awww.” A skittish kitten that scampered out of its carrier on a subway platform has been found after 25 days in the underground tunnels. Transit workers tracked down … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 2 Comments

Kol hakavod

Last Friday night, for the sixth time in my teaching career, my fourth graders led services. Every year, they get better and better at singing the prayers and psalms in front of their parents and the congregation. I’d love to … Continue reading

Posted in Religion, Teaching | 6 Comments

The famous Muslim tolerance strikes again

Muslims in Gaza blew up the YMCA library. Why? To protest the Danish publication of the Mohammed cartoons. Because it follows, logically, that when Danes “insult” Mohammed, Gazan Christians must be punished. Unidentified gunmen blew up the YMCA library in … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Religion | 2 Comments

Still here

Yes, i’m still here. But it took me all week to shake my cold, and it’s not quite gone yet. Been resting. Now that I’m not working.

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Torahs in the navy

I just received an e-mail about a Sefer Torah (Torah scroll) that was rescued from Lithuania and is now being used aboard the USS Truman. Truman Sailors listen to Sen. Carl Levin as he speaks during the Torah Dedication Ceremony … Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust, Jews | 5 Comments