Monthly Archives: February 2008

Apparently the oppression didn’t kill her

MSNBC is reporting that the world’s oldest person is alive and living in Israel. Perhaps more surprising is that she’s an Israeli Arab. Mariam Amash filled in the routine form with anything but routine information. Amash, who recently applied for … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

Saudis to execute woman for witchcraft

Now there’s a modern state for you. The Saudis are going to kill an illiterate woman for, among other things, causing a man’s impotence. A leading human rights group appealed to Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah on Thursday to stop the … Continue reading

Posted in Religion, World | 8 Comments

Condi Rice notices Egypt’s lack of Gaza security

I’m shocked, shocked I tell you, to find that Egypt isn’t policing the Gaza smugglers as hard as the IDF did. Actually, the big shock is that Rice is admitting there’s a problem. Egypt is falling short in its efforts … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza | 3 Comments

The aftermath

Terrorwonk asks After Mughniyah: Will Hezbollah retaliate? Taking these factors into account, this may have been an ideal time for the Israelis to remind their enemies of their capabilities and serve justice to one of the world’s most wanted terrorists. … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias, Terrorism | 4 Comments

Mug shot

The Associated Press reported One of the world’s most wanted and elusive terrorists, Imad Mughniyeh, was killed by a car bomb in Syria nearly 15 years after dropping almost entirely from sight. The one-time Hezbollah security chief was implicated in … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Peace whenever

Working from reports in the Jerusalem Post and on Arutz-7 as well as using some of her own detective work, In Context writes about the legal problems Peace Now is facing and speculates on how it might impact their fundraising. … Continue reading

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Not even chicken soup will do

Hey, you know that part of a virus infection that feels like a head cold and makes you stuffy and achy in the sinuses before finally getting to the stage where the virus has successfully conquered you and now is … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 6 Comments

Overcoming mistrust

Following up on yesterday’s attempt to evade responsibility for terrorism, Palestinian PM Salam Fayyad continues his PR blitz with the willing participation of the Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler complaining that since Annapolis Israel hasn’t done enough.Kessler, like any good PR … Continue reading

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Off the marc

The Washington Post today features a fawning profile of HRW activist Marc Garlasco, The Man on Both Sides of Air War Debate Garlasco is uniquely suited to understand both sides of the air war debate: He knows what the bombs … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias | Comments Off on Off the marc

Europe finds a spine

Wow. I’ve been saying that you can’t count out the European self-preservation instinct. I don’t believe that the nations that have millennia-old history of war and bloodshed will just lie down and die when their way of life is threatened. … Continue reading

Posted in Religion, World | 2 Comments

The last refuge of the Palestinian Authority

The Palestinian Authority is making an effort to avoid paying damages it incurred for fostering terror. The State Department is considering helping. Glenn Kessler reports in Palestinians Ask U.S. To Intervene in Suits Over Terrorist Attacks. The State Department is … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 7 Comments

It’s been a week of a weekend

My weekend seems to have lasted a week. The windstorms knocked out power to my apartment from about 2:30 yesterday afternoon to 3:30 this morning. I cooked and ate by candlelight. I needed to get up early to drive to … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 5 Comments

Of Israel, the Palestinians and the United States

Roger Cohen in today’s New York Times argues that Jews ought to embrace the candidacy of Sen. Barack Obama in “No Manchurian Candidate. ” Like the NJDC he sets up lots of straw men in his defense of Sen. Obama. … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Politics | 1 Comment

Israel won!

In today’s New York Times, Daniel Gavron writes of “Israel’s Secret Success.” The Palestinian Hamas, which rules Gaza, refuses to recognize Israel, but even that movement seeks a long-term truce, which is tantamount to de facto recognition. Tantamount? To what? … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 4 Comments

Haveil Havalim #153 is UP!

Jack continues to make his mark on Haveil Havalim as he has recruited a new hostess I’ll Call Baila who hosts Haveil Havalim #153. If you’re interested in Jewish blogging, check it out! To submit for the next edition click … Continue reading

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