Monthly Archives: February 2008

We’re ba-aack

There was a major server problem with my web host, but the good folks at Bluehost fixed us up nicely, and we’re back. Didja miss us?

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The difference between us and them

What’s wrong with Palestinian culture: Yellow Fatah flags flew outside the home of one of the attackers, 22-year-old Luay Laghwani, and Al Aqsa gunmen fired in the air in tribute to him. His sobbing mother, Ibtissam, held a picture of … Continue reading

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Low hanging times

Barry Rubin has at the NY Times, especially outgoing reporter Steven Erlanger. Speaking about restrictions, it might be worth mentioning that there are no such Israeli restrictions on the West Bank. Why is that? It is because the Palestinian Authority … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | 3 Comments

Sy’s lies

via memeorandumInvestigative reporter, Seymour “Sy” Hersh has an exclusive for the New Yorker, “A strike in the dark,” alleging that Israel didn’t really know what the nature of the facility it bombed last September in Syria was. (As is the … Continue reading

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Heroes and murderers

The hero of yesterday’s suicide attack was definitely Chief Inspector Kobi Mor. “When I arrived at the area, one of the people told me that there was a terrorist there who was still alive. I pulled out my gun and … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 3 Comments

First rule of cats: Make your humans look stupid

Okay. This weekend was rough. Tig was declining more and more. None of the treatments suggested was working. So I wrote that post last night thinking that Tig was only a day or two away from that final shot. And … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 8 Comments

This week’s Shire Network News: It’s Steyn time

The podcast is up, and it’s another good one, with another great feature interview: Mark Steyn, talking about many things, but also about the suppression of his work in Canada. My contribution is about scientology and Sderot, with a special … Continue reading

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Suicide murderers strike southern Israel

The Egyptians and the IDF didn’t get all the suicide bombers that got out of Gaza and into Israel. Yeah, there’s a reason Gaza is closed off. It’s to keep out subhumans like this one: A suicide bomber blew himself … Continue reading

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Closing the barn door

The Washington Post reports Egyptians Reseal Border, Cutting Access From Gaza Egyptian construction workers in blue hard hats rolled barbed wire across the last breaches of the Gaza Strip’s border wall with Egypt on Sunday, reasserting Egyptian control of the … Continue reading

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That’s some journalist…

Being himself a journalist, Ambrose Bierce didn’t define “Journalist” in The Devil’s Dictionary. The only mention of this venerable occupation he made in this document: There are men called journalists who have established ink baths which some persons pay money … Continue reading

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Half of EU anti-Semitism caused by Muslims

An EU official says that half the anti-Semitic attacks in Europe are carried out by Muslims. The figure comes from European Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security Franco Frattini, who is responsible in the EU for combating racism and anti-Semitism … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | 1 Comment

Haveil Havalim #152 is UP!

Jack’s Shack continues his stewardship of Haveil Havalim – The Jewish and Israel related blogging carnival – with the prophetic Haveil Havalim #152 – Patriotos must lose edition.

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Tig report: No good news

The hardest thing for me is to watch Tig literally shrink before my eyes every day. I can’t stand to pet him along his back. He is even bonier than he was the last time I wrote about being able … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 7 Comments

It was evening; it was morning

Lightness of Being The bright sun dissects the airglow above Earth’s horizon in this view photographed with a digital still camera from the Space Shuttle Columbia during the STS-107 mission.Space Shuttle Columbia and the STS-107 crew perished during re-entry on … Continue reading

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Wow, the people of south Richmond almost rose up en masse and headed for Comcast HQ with tar and feathers. The cable went out. Internet and TV. About an hour ago. Lucky for Comcast, it was fixed in about 20 … Continue reading

Posted in Miscellaneous | 1 Comment