Monthly Archives: February 2008

The real reason for the Hamas border breach

The fix was in. Hamas smuggled large numbers of advanced weapons into Gaza once the Rafah border was down. Hamas’s breach of the security fence along the Egypt-Gaza border has resulted in the smuggling of a large amount of advanced … Continue reading

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Time stands still at Grand Cental Station

Obviously, this did not happen at rush hour. They’d have been knocked flat by the crowd otherwise. Flash mobs are apparently the actor’s greatest friends.

Posted in Pop Culture | 1 Comment

A monopoly on Yerushalayim

Monopoly – the board game – is looking for a new cities to feature. (The classic game, of course, is based on Atlantic City New Jersey.) If I understand the goal, Hasbro/Parker Brothers is looking for 20 cities to feature … Continue reading

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No, really, where are the kassams?

Isn’t it interesting that when Hamas needs good world press—like after breaking down the wall between Egypt and Gaza—not a single kassam rocket or mortar shell has fallen on southern Israel? And yet, the world insists that neither Hamas nor … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza | 1 Comment

Yes, please: Hamas wants Gaza to bond with Egypt

Hamas wants Egypt to be Gaza’s economic channel instead of Israel? Yes, please. Feel free. Go right ahead. We’ll even help you do it. Hamas is seriously contemplating severing the Gaza Strip’s economic ties with Israel, said Ahmed Yousef, a … Continue reading

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Shire Network News, a bit late

I forgot to tell you all: There’s a new SNN up. This week’s feature interview is Jonah Goldberg, talking about liberal fascist. My contribution talks about liberal and conservative fascists. But of course.

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Tuna smoothies

Yes, go ahead, say it: Ew. Tig hasn’t been eating. That’s what’s been driving me crazy. He’s been licking the gravy off the tuna cat food, and drinking water, and eating almost nothing for days. So today, I got out … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 1 Comment

The obama charm offensive

Various proxies have taken to defending Sen Barack Obama to the Jewish community. Frankly it hasn’t just been about defending Sen. Obama, it’s been about attacking the senator’s critics or even those who question him. So you can call it … Continue reading

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Hebrew corrections requested

Folks, I made up a prayer of thanks for every new day with Tig, and the person who helped me reminded me that we’re using modern Hebrew, not prayer Hebrew. Any changes or corrections you experts would make? Baruch atah … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 6 Comments

PETA kills animals

Looks like PETA’s kill rate is higher than any animal shelter in the country. One caveat: I need to see the original report. The Center for Consumer Freedom is a group with an anti-PETA agenda that gets its money from … Continue reading

Posted in EATAPETA | 14 Comments

Wily Jews cause international internet failure

Those wily Jews. The internet outages that you read about yesterday? Check out exactly which countries were hit, and which were not. High-technology services across large tracts of Asia, the Middle East and North Africa were crippled Thursday following a … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Lebanon | 4 Comments

Israeli tech 2/1/2008

The Jerusalem Post reports that Israel just launched a new spy satellite, and that all appears in working order. Israel’s TecSar satellite, launched last week from India, began transmitting pictures to its ground control center in Yehud on Thursday. The … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Yossi’s chutzpah

I’m no Olmert fan, but this takes the cake. From Ynet: The prime minister was also criticized by the left end of the political spectrum, with Meretz chairman Yossi Beilin saying that “the Winograd Commission’s final report reinforces the impression … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment