PA calls for return of refugees; I say call their bluff

The Palestinian Authority wants the return of all Palestinian refugees for Israel’s 60th anniversary. I say that’s a great idea, provided you also extend the return call to the Jewish refugees from Arab and Muslim lands since the founding of Israel.

The Palestinian Authority is planning to mark Israel’s 60th anniversary by calling on all Palestinians living abroad to converge on Israel by land, sea and air.

The plan, drawn by Ziad Abu Ein, a senior Fatah operative and Deputy Minister for Prisoners’ Affairs in the Palestinian Authority, states that the Palestinians have decided to implement United Nations Resolution 194 regarding the refugees.

Article 11 of the resolution, which was passed in December 1948, says that “refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbors should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for loss of or damage to property which, under principles of international law or in equity, should be made good by the Governments or authorities responsible.”

The initiative is the first of its kind and is clearly aimed at embarrassing Israel during the anniversary celebrations by highlighting the issue of the “right of return” for the refugees.

Entitled “The Initiative of Return and Coexistence,” the plan suggests that the PA has abandoned a two-state solution in favor of one state where all Arabs and Jews would live together.

“The Palestinians, backed by all those who believe in peace, coexistence, human rights and the UN resolutions, shall recruit all their energies and efforts to return to their homeland and live with the Jews in peace and security,” the plan says.

Yeah, sure. I believe that. Of course.

However, since half of Israel’s current population is made up of refugees from the Arab and Muslim nations and their descendants, and I doubt their countries of origin want them back, let’s just call it even-steven. No Palestinians need apply.

Res ipso loquitur. It’s a done deal.

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4 Responses to PA calls for return of refugees; I say call their bluff

  1. John M. says:

    “to converge on Israel by land, sea and air.”

    Uh, there’s a word for that. It’s called and invasion. If they really want to try to invade Israel with armies of women and children, they should think twice.

  2. VadimM says:

    UNRWA won’t let them. If the so called “Palestinians” even try to exercise a tiny part of the call for this suicidal act, UNRWA will do everything in its power to prevent them from doing that. After all, once the “pal refugee” issue is solved, it’s the end of UNRWA and all the posh jobs that they are handing to their friends in the Middle East and in the West.

    Ding! Saved by UNRWA.

  3. Tatterdemalian says:

    Actually, the other Middle Eastern countries would be happy to have their Jewish refugees back. Preferably on trains destined for camps with unusually clean showers and suspiciously numerous ovens.

    Letting the Jews gather in Israel and see to their own defense was a mistake the Muslim nations would gladly undo if Israel would just let them.

  4. Alex Bensky says:

    I’m all for it. Of course, I’m also for the inalienable right of the Sudeten Germans to return to their homelands. For that matter, I’m in favor of the Ionian Greeks to return to the homelands in which their ancestors resided for three thousand years. I’m in favor of the eastern Poles and Volga Germans returning to their homelands. And I’m in favor of the millions of Mulsims and Hindus who fled from Indian or Pakistan returning to their homelands.

    The instant anyone in the msm or western governments starts doing anything about those refugees, I shall favor putting the Palestinians on the agenda.

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