Saddam’s CAIR package

Lately the Investigative Project has put CAIR under the microscope to show that it isn’t simply a civil rights organization, but rather a front group for terrorist organizations. The latest report shows the criminal activity of a number of former CAIR officials.So now news comes that a CAIR official in Michigan served to funnel funds from Saddam to three congressmen who traveled to Baghdad in 2002 to make a case against invading Iraq. These guys were – whether they knew it or not – Saddam’s stooges.

Michelle Malkin recalls that Stephen Hayes had figured out that Saddam had likely financed the trip back in 2003.

McDermott, Thompson and Bonior were, I suppose, the best politicians Saddam could buy.

Crossposted at Soccer Dad.

About Soccerdad

I'm a government bureaucrat with delusions of literacy.
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