Call for topics and comments

I’ve noticed a rather deafening silence here lately, a trend that has been going on for quite some time.

Do you all just not want to comment, or are you waiting for me to say something different and new?

‘Cause I gotta tell you, sometimes, I’m all out.

I’m in nothern VA on a weekly basis, often overnight, especially nowadays for some SharePoint training. It cuts into my blogging time (thankfully, Soccer Dad and Snoopy are always here to pick up the slack, and if you’re not reading their blogs, you should be).

I know, I know, I go through this every so often. I know you folks are still reading, and I know how many of you are still reading. (It’s pretty much leveled out for the past year, but at least it’s not going down.) But I have to say, these days, I’m a little unsure of the thoughts of my “invisibles.” (That’s the word I have always used in place of “lurkers,” which is far too negative a term for people who read a blog and don’t comment. Most people who read newspapers don’t write letters to the editor. I don’t see a difference.)

Anyway, if you want me to cover something new, or you’re getting tired of the same-old, same-old—well, then, you wouldn’t be, would you? Or you’d just quit reading, and my stats would go down.

Hm. This requires more thought.

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7 Responses to Call for topics and comments

  1. Robert says:

    I am reading. I just do not comment very much. But I am at this site everyday. :)

  2. Michael Lonie says:

    I refuse to comment on the charge that I am not commenting here.

    A Cretan said, all Cretans are liars.

  3. Robert says:

    There’s no need to comment if you’ve already said it all! Great blog, keep it up!

    The Other Robert

  4. Long_rifle says:

    I try to comment once a week or so, as I didn’t want to seem like I was spamming by posting every day.

    But heck, I can do once an hour if ya want!


  5. Elisson says:

    Robert has a point. Posts here are often so well-constructed and thorough, commenting is a little like talking in an echo chamber. Commenting to say “I’m in violent agreement” is a little like gilding the lily.

    At least it’s easy to leave comments here. No “captcha” screens or obnoxious moderation…and no issues like bloggers often face.

    I have a huge blogroll, but it’s a rare day when I don’t stop by here. There’s always something interesting to read, even if it’s not always Good News, eh?

  6. Laura SF says:

    I almost never comment… As others said, your blog is well-written and well-thought out, and I’ve never been one to say “Yeah!” Also, I’m a bit anti-social these days!

  7. Still here. Still reading posts. Often not commenting because there are only so many ways to say “Olmert is an idiot who is going to single-handedly destroy Israel in the name of political correctness.”

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