Monthly Archives: March 2008

A tale of two women-only workout rooms

Harvard University is coming under fire for creating women-only hours at one of its gyms, at the request of Muslim students. Since Jan. 28, the Quadrangle Recreational Athletic Center has been open only to women from 8 a.m. to 10 … Continue reading

Posted in Religion | 5 Comments

Hamas Iran is fighting the last war

I’ve been saying for a while now that Hamas and its Iranian patrons have not learned the right lessons from the Hizbullah war. Now the commanders of the Givati brigade prove it. Officers in the brigade spoke about a combination … Continue reading

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Expert advocates for Hamas

AFP reports UN should talk to Hamas to end Gaza violence: expert The United Nations should talk directly to the Islamist Hamas movement in a bid to end the bloody violence in Gaza, the body’s advisor on human rights in … Continue reading

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Kind of like the Blues Brothers

via memeorandumReuters “reports”: To Israel and its allies, Abu Mohammed and his comrades are Jew-hating terrorists. But Abu Mohammed sees himself on a mission from God to rescue his people from 60 years of misery as refugees since the establishment … Continue reading

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Missing the process for the peace

Daled Amos quotes from Contentions arguing that Secretary Rice would be better off using her clout to try an protect Lebanon instead of trying to save the “peace process.” Lebanon’s fragile democracy is under assault by Syria (and its master, … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Cold-stone killer IDF escorts Egyptians out of danger

Those horrible IDF soldiers and airman. Imagine the nerve of them actually saving an Egyptian chopper crew’s lives. The pilot of an Egyptian helicopter lost in the fog found himself over the Gaza Strip and under fire from Hamas militants … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza, Israel | 2 Comments

Dr. Manhattan is back

Who? Well, if you have to ask, you weren’t here back in the bleginning. Er, beginning of blogs. Welcome back, Doc.

Posted in Bloggers | 3 Comments

Apples and space shuttles

The following is one of the reasons that a friend of mine goes crazy at work on a daily basis. And by “goes crazy at work” I mean, “Is driven utterly bananas by many of the people she has to … Continue reading

Posted in Work | 1 Comment

School’s not out

Elder of Ziyon notes that, today, schools in Gaza are expected to be open and comments. It’s almost as if they don’t expect any indiscriminate and disproportionate rockets of the evil, genocidal, Nazi Zionists to be fired at their schools … Continue reading

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No nearer the destination

The New York Times offers its advice about what to in the Middle East, in “Slipping Away” For the first time, an Israeli leader and a Palestinian leader seem genuinely committed to peace. They set a deadline for a deal … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias | 2 Comments

The AP acknowledges Israelis are civilians

Toldja they read my blog. The AP is finally admitting that Israeli casualties are civilian casualties. Of course, they still uncritically pass along the bullshit line that Palestinian deaths were at least half civilian. Yeah, right. In all, 117 Palestinians … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel | 1 Comment

The Holocaust experts are talking and more

The Holocaust envy syndrome has never been so frankly expressed as in the recent days. Exiled Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal denounced Israeli attacks against civilians in the Gaza strip on Saturday, describing it as “the real holocaust.” “Israel wants to … Continue reading

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Gaza, briefly

More Iranian-made Grad rockets are raining down on Ashkelon, causing damage and injuries. At least 3 Grad rocket fired from the Gaza Strip Sunday afternoon landed in Ashkelon, marking the first time the large southern city was hit today. An … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Media Bias | 2 Comments

Legal approaches to prevent offense to islam

Michelle Malkin has an item today about demands from the Gulf to pass laws forbidding the insulting of Islam. Combined with the recent re-publication of the Danish Mo cartoons, these unacceptable acts of free speech have Muslim “scholars” demanding that … Continue reading

Posted in Blasts from the past, Miscellaneous, Religion | 3 Comments

He said — wha-a-a-t?

Last week, Israel’s Deputy Defense Minister, Matan Vilnai made some waves. Here’s the NY Times: The Israeli deputy defense minister, Matan Vilnai, told army radio that Israel would respond to escalation and that “we will not shy away from any … Continue reading

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