Monthly Archives: March 2008

Saddam’s CAIR package

Lately the Investigative Project has put CAIR under the microscope to show that it isn’t simply a civil rights organization, but rather a front group for terrorist organizations. The latest report shows the criminal activity of a number of former … Continue reading

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The pique of McPeak

I’m coming a bit late to the discussion about Sen. Obama and “Tony” McPeak.For a good background check out memeorandum. Of course McPeak’s assertion that the US government couldn’t achieve peace in the Middle East because of the populations of … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Jew Cooties, Politics | 1 Comment

Israeli Double Standard Time, terror attack version

Say, remember when I wrote about a call for revenge by a rabbi that the world media mostly ignored? “The biggest revenge on the goyim is for them to see how much God loves the people of Israel,” Rabbi Ovadia … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 1 Comment

Gaza war continues; MSM does not notice

So let’s see what the Palestinians sent out of Gaza yesterday. Mortars: Palestinians fired five mortar shells from the Gaza Strip into the Eshkol area in the western Negev on Tuesday. The shells fell in agricultural areas in one of … Continue reading

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Smallest, lightest cell phone

An Israeli company has developed a cellphone that’s made it to Guinness book of World records as the smallest and lightest cellphone.Phone magazine describes it like this: The idea of having a single cellular handset that can serve multiple duties … Continue reading

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No-confidence building measure

I had a hard time understanding this: Israel will transfer to the Palestinian Authority 25 armored vehicles from Russia for use in PA controlled areas of Judea and Samaria. Permission for the transfer was granted by the Olmert government during … Continue reading

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Reason number 65,781 why there are checkpoints

Say, you know those “humiliating” checkpoints that everyone says Israel should remove? The ones that are only preventing peace, not helping it? Shyeah. A Palestinian was caught at an army checkpoint north of Nablus on Tuesday with two makeshift hand … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Saddam’s threat to the west

I had missed this article, Saddam collected information on dozens of potential targets in Israel. Saddam Hussein’s intelligence service collected information on dozens of sites in Israel, including airports, other transportation centers, as well as scientific and religious centers that … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel, Terrorism | 7 Comments

It’s all in the branding

We noted the other day that allied forces have been wreaking havoc with the PR arms of Al Qaeda.In turn this has contributed to a decrease in the number those volunteering to fight the infidels in Iraq. So the al … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Media, Media Bias, Terrorism | 1 Comment

The labor of hate – part I

It so happened that soon after finishing the Russian parents, beware post, I have received a link to a Russian-made movie made sometime in 2005. Seeing its first few frames, I was inclined to quit immediately. After all, the title … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | 1 Comment

The labor of hate – part II

After the appetizer of the first chapter, it will be easier for you to digest what is coming now. I am almost sure, that is. Time to introduce another participant.

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The labor of hate – part III

Welcome, my staunch and stubborn readers – I know there are very few of you who remained reading this long post…

Posted in Anti-Semitism | 1 Comment

Missing Tig

Tig and Gracie’s vet is in a little shopping center with a Ukrops. Prior to last year (and using Lousy Vet instead of Great Vet until the Great Gracie IBD Misdiagnosis), I mostly went to the Ukrops, bought groceries, went … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 1 Comment

RoboSoldier is near

The IDF will be deploying robotic machine guns to guard the Gaza border. My forecast: Expect a lot more reports about 65-year-old men killed while tending their farms, no matter how many terrorists get killed. First report: A new system … Continue reading

Posted in Computers, Gaza, Israel | 5 Comments

The Raging Hormonal Hulk

I think I have figured out the true source of the Hulk’s rage. It wasn’t exposure to gamma rays. It wasn’t being beaten by his father. It’s hormones. Who knew the Hulk is really a woman? And the reason I … Continue reading

Posted in Girl Talk | 5 Comments