Monthly Archives: March 2008

Terrorists terrorize Purim festival in southern Israel

The terrorists achieved their goal on Friday, sending 600 people running for cover as the Color Red alert sounded. Palestinian terror groups launched three Qassam rockets from northern Gaza towards Israel on Friday afternoon, as residents of southern Israel celebrated … Continue reading

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The new AP boilerplate: More anti-Israel bias

Have you seen the new AP boilerplate lately? It’s in a ton of articles about Gaza or Hamas. It goes like this: Israel has been battling Hamas since the Islamic group violently seized control of Gaza last June. In addition … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza | 2 Comments

Russian parents, beware

Beware Russian parents. Keep watch over your children before the coming of April 2008, the Jewish holiday of Passover. These disgusting people still engage in ritual practice to their gods. They kidnap small children and remove some of their blood … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | 6 Comments

Political correctness hits Israeli airline security

Oh, no way this could go wrong. Civil rights groups in Israel are trying to stop Israeli security, which has successfully stopped all hijacking of Israeli planes, from profiling potential hijackers/bombers. Airline security faced a legal challenge yesterday from a … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn, Terrorism | 4 Comments

McCain in Sderot

Rick Richman wrote at the end of last year that when he visited Israel, President Bush should be Following Kennedy’s Lead. When he visits Israel next month, President Bush can immerse himself in the details of the “peace process,” perhaps … Continue reading

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Humoring the extremes

A month ago JoshuaPundit questioned the wisdom of President Bush naming an envoy to the Organization of Islamic Conference. After noting some previous antics of the OIC, JoshuaPundit writes: This is the racist, anti-American group our president legitimized and is … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, palestinian politics | Comments Off on Humoring the extremes

Polling for peace

A few weeks ago, Glenn Greenwald argued that Underscoring that point rather vividly is the issue of negotiations with Hamas. Needless to say, isolating the democratically elected Hamas government and childishly pretending that they don’t exist is a central prong … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time | 1 Comment

Admiral Grace Hopper

In honor of Women’s History Month at work, we were given a talk on women in computing. Part of the presentation was playing this YouTube video of the late Rear Admiral Grace Hopper on Late Night with David Letterman. It … Continue reading

Posted in Computers, Girl Talk, Humor | Comments Off on Admiral Grace Hopper

Got a spare kidney for a minister?

In a sense. The kidney in question is not meant to save a life of a minister, rather the opposite – to croak the minister in question. In fact, you have got a choice of three targets: Defense Minister Ehud … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | 2 Comments

PA calls for return of refugees; I say call their bluff

The Palestinian Authority wants the return of all Palestinian refugees for Israel’s 60th anniversary. I say that’s a great idea, provided you also extend the return call to the Jewish refugees from Arab and Muslim lands since the founding of … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 4 Comments

My hosting debut at SNN is up

Go listen.

Posted in Podcasts | 2 Comments

Processing …

Michael Goldfarb was recently in Israel, among his observations: The land for peace paradigm is dead. It didn’t work. The Israelis gave up southern Lebanon and got a war with Hezbollah. They gave up Gaza and they now have a … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 2 Comments

German in the Knesset

History is being made in Israel with Angela Merkel’s visit. On Tuesday afternoon, Israeli time, she’ll address the Israeli govenment. She’s already visited Yad Vashem and other sites. A few MK’s are boycotting her speech. However, not everyone at the … Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust, Israel | 2 Comments

“Terror attacks are no reason to terminate peace talks”?

Here’s the Foreign Minister of Israel, on why the Knesset shouldn’t pass a no-confidence motion, which would finally take down the government of Ehud Olmert, and force new elections: … terror attacks are no reason to terminate peace talks with … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 9 Comments

Hosting this week’s Shire Network News

This week’s Shire Network News should be up sometime today. You definitely want to listen to it. I’m the host. That means about 80% of Blog News was written by yours truly, and 100% of it was announced by me. … Continue reading

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